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Using transactional emails with BigCommerce

Edit your transactional email templates and keep your communications consistent with the transactional email manager.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 2 years ago

Use Dotdigital transactional email with your BigCommerce store to provide your customers with consistent and relevant communications about their orders. You can see a list of different events that happen in your BigCommerce store, such as a new account, account updates, or new order confirmations and choose which transactional emails you want to send out to your customers.

Before you start

Things you need to know:

  • You must have a BigCommerce store connected to a Dotdigital account.

  • When you activate transactional email on your account, it counts towards your messaging allowance.

  • To avoid duplicating emails, you must disable the transactional email notifications that are sent by BigCommerce. You must either disable all of the notifications, or only the ones that you enable in Dotdigital as a replacement. To do this, in BigCommerce, go to Marketing > Email Templates.

Create a branded transactional email template

Create brand familiarity with your contacts by branding your transactional email templates. You can upload a logo, add fonts, and change the colours of the template.

To access the transactional email manager:

  1. In Dotdigital, go to Connect and select the BigCommerce tile under Installed integrations and extensions.

  2. Select the Transactional email tab.

  3. Select SET UP TRANSACTIONAL EMAIL TEMPLATES, and set up your branding by editing the available fields:

    If you connected your BigCommerce store using the installation wizard, you would have already set up your transactional email templates as part of this process. You can select REGENERATE TAILORED TEMPLATES to update your branding across all of your templates, or expand the ACTIONS drop-down menu for a specific template and select Edit to make changes to that template only.

    • Logo

      Select Choose file to upload an image of your logo to brand your transactional email template.

    • Font

      Select the font type you want to appear throughout your template.

    • Body text colour

      Select the primary body text colour of your template.

    • Heading text colour

      Select the heading text colour of your template.

    • Button/link colour

      Select the colour you want your buttons to appear as in your template.

    • Button text colour

      Select the colour you want your button text to appear as in your template.

    • Brand highlight colour

      Add a line of colour to your template, so customers can recognise your brand faster.

    • Email footer

      Add a footer to your transactional email template. This is a great place to put your legal text.

  4. Select Generate templates.

    Or select Delete to delete the current transactional email template.

Once this is complete, you can turn on your templates.

Using the transactional email manager

You can turn on, swap, edit, or preview any of your transactional email templates in the Transactional email area. You can see all of your default email templates in this area, too.

To manage your transactional email settings, go to Connect and select the BigCommerce tile under Installed integrations and extensions, then select the Transactional email tab.

Account notifications

In the Account notifications area, select Turn all off or Turn all on to turn all of your transactional email notifications on or off for your customers.


Order notifications

In the Order notifications area, you can find a list of default template settings:

Yes means this default transactional email template is available.

Default transactional email template


New account confirmation


New order confirmation


Shipping confirmation


Shipping update


Order partially shipped


Order pending


Order awaiting payment


Order awaiting fulfillment


Order awaiting shipment


Order awaiting pickup


Order completed


Order cancelled


Order declined


Order refunded


Order partially refunded


Order disputed


Order manual verification required


To activate a transactional email template, switch the toggle to ON. To disable a transactional email template, switch the toggle to OFF.


Each default template has an Actions drop-down menu. Expand the Actions drop-down menu to preview, edit, or swap out the current template.


Design transactional email templates

  1. In Dotdigital, go to Automation > Triggered email.

    Templates you wish to use for transactional emails must be created as Triggered campaigns.

  2. Select an existing campaign to edit or select ADD NEW.

  3. Design your campaign to your specifications using the EasyEditor canvas.

    Learn more about designing an email campaign in Getting started - Creating your campaign in Easy Editor article.

  4. When you’re happy with your design, select SAVE.

Remove all unsupported building blocks

When designing your transactional email template, you must remove all unsupported building blocks.

Learn more about unsupported building blocks for transactional email templates in Create, design and send a transactional email template.

You don’t have to remove your unsubscribe link because it’s automatically removed when you send the campaign.

Insert variables

It’s possible to insert BigCommerce data variables into the campaigns you design using Dotdigital’s EasyEditor.

Variables help to personalise your email campaign so that the information is correct and relevant to your customers’ orders. For example, if you create an order confirmation email campaign, you might use the following variables for your campaign layout:

Hi, ##{{ data.order.billing_address.first_name }}.

Thanks for your order ##{{ }}!

Your order status is now: ##{{ data.order.order_status }}.

You've ordered the following products:

Items{% for product in data.order.products %}
##{{ }} (
##{{ product.sku }}) x
##{{ product.qty }}{% if product.option %}
{% for option in product.options %}
##{{ }}:##{{ option.value }} |
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Price:##{{ product.price_inc_tax }}------------------------------------
{% endfor %}

You must insert all variables used in the body of your email into text building blocks.

Learn more about the different types of variables you can use in Variables for transactional email templates in BigCommerce.

Subject line variables

You can only use three variables in the subject line of your transactional email template:


    Inserts the first name of your contact.


    Inserts the last name of your contact.

  • @ORDER_ID@

    Inserts the order ID based on your contact’s purchase.

    You can’t use other variables in your subject lines.

Use the Dotdigital SMTP server for your transactional email

When you use our SMTP server for your transactional email, you can make the most of our transactional email reporting.

To use our SMTP server for your transactional email:

  1. In BigCommerce, go to Store setup > Store settings > Miscellaneous.

  2. Select Let me specify my own SMTP server details and provide the SMTP hostname, your SMTP username and password and the SMTP port.

    Learn how to set up an SMTP user in Dotdigital in Create a transactional email user for SMTP.

  3. Select Test SMTP Settings.

  4. Select Save.


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