As part of the installation process for Shopify, a number of scripts which power different Dotdigital features are applied automatically for you. The scripts themselves are referenced externally; we add a small amount of JavaScript to your store theme for this purpose through the Script Tag API.
If you chose not to have the code installed automatically, or your installation pre-dates this option, you can also apply the necessary scripts to your store manually.
Site and ROI tracking
We apply {tracking app url}/_dmspt.js?shop={your store domain}
to your store theme.
To install manually, the site tracking script must be applied before the the closing </body>
tag of all the pages on your website.
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
The ROI tracking script must be inserted on the post purchase page of your site.
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script> _dmTrack("CheckOutAmount", %%ORDER_AMOUNT%%); </script>
Abandoned carts
The following scripts are needed to power the abandoned carts module:
We apply {tracking app url}/shopify/wbt.js?shop={your store domain}
to your store theme.
Web behavior tracking
To install manually, the Web behavior tracking script must be inserted before the </head>
tag of each site page.
// Initiate Web Behaviour Tracking (this section MUST come prior to
any other dmPt calls)
(window, document, '//', 'script',
// Replace DM-000000000-00 with your web behaviour profile's Unique ID
// Replace with the domain of your store
window.dmPt('create', 'DM-000000000-00', '');
// Setup the last browsed product
var viewed_product = {
product_name: "Name of Product",
product_url: "",
product_image_path: "",
product_description: "The description of the product",
product_sku: "ABC123",
product_price: "99.99",
product_status: "In stock",
product_currency: "GBP",
product_specialPrice: "89.99",
product_categories: "Category1, Category 2, Category 3",
product_brand: "Brandname"
// Initiate the tracking script, pass the product object
window.dmPt('track', viewed_product);
// Replace with the email address of the identified
window.dmPt("identify", "");
To install manually, this script must be placed before the </body>
tag of each page of your site.
// <<< Dotdigital Abandoned cart script >>>
var dmPt = dmPt ? dmPt : {};
// Change this value to true if you want to enable guest abandoned
dmPt.enableGuestAbandonedCart = false;
// Id or selector expression to return the newsletter sign up forms of
your store
!function(u){function e(t){var e,n,r,i=(,n="input[type=email]",
(r=e.querySelector(n))&&r.value?r.value:null);i&&a(i)}function a(t)
{n("dm-subscriber",t,365)}function n(t,e,n){var r;e&&((r=new
expires="+r.toGMTString()+"; path=/")}
function t(t){for(var e=t+"=",n=u.cookie.split(";"),r=0;r<n.length;r++){for(var i=n[r];""==i.charAt(0);)i=i.substring(1,i.length);if
(0==i.indexOf(e))return i.substring(e.length,i.length)}return null}
{% if and customer.accepts_marketing %}
dmPt("identify", "##{{ }}");
{% else %}
if(dmPt.enableGuestAbandonedCart && dmPt.emailSubmitted && dmPt.emailSubmitted !== "")
{dmPt("identify", dmPt.emailSubmitted);
{% endif %}
if(dmPt.cartId && dmPt.cartId !== ""){
{"programID": %programID%,
"cartDelay": %cartDelay%,
"cartID": dmPt.cartId,
//This value is retrieved from a Shopify cookie
"cartPhase": "CUSTOMER_LOGIN",
"currency": "##{{ shop.currency }}",
"subtotal": ##{{ cart.total_price }}/100,
"discountAmount": ##{{ cart.original_total_price | minus: cart.total_price
"taxAmount": 0,
"grandTotal": ##{{ cart.total_price }}/100,
"cartUrl": "##{{ shop.url }}/cart/{% for item in cart.items %}##
{{item.variant_id}}:##{{ item.quantity }}{% if forloop.last == false %}
,{% endif %}{% endfor %}",
"lineItems": [
{% for item in cart.items %}
"sku": "##{{ item.sku }}",
"name": "##{{ item.title }}",
"description": "##{{ item.product.description | strip_html | escape |
strip_newlines }}",
"category": "{% for collection in item.product.collections %}##{{
collection.title }} {% endfor %}",
"other": "{% for tag in product.tags %}##{{ tag }} {% endfor %}",
"unitPrice": ##{{ item.original_price }}/100,
"salePrice": ##{{ item.price }}/100,
"quantity": ##{{ item.quantity }},
"totalPrice": ##{{ item.line_price }}/100,
"imageUrl": "##{{ item.image | img_url: 'small' | prepend:'https:'}}",
"productUrl": "##{{ shop.url }}##{{ item.url}}",
} {% if forloop.last == false %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Order success
To install manually, this script must be implemented on the Order Processing page of your site.
var dm_insight_id ='uniqueID';
('track');})(window, document, '//',
'script', 'dmPt');
// <<< Dotdigital Abandoned cart script >>>
var dmPt = dmPt ? dmPt : {};
// Change this value to true if you want to enable guest abandoned cart
dmPt.enableGuestAbandonedCart = false;
!function(i){function t(t){for(var n=t+"=",r=i.cookie.split
(";"),e=0;e<r.length;e++){for(var d=r[e];" "==d.charAt
(0);)d=d.substring(1);if(0==d.indexOf(n))return d.substring
{% if and customer.accepts_marketing %}
dmPt("identify", "##{{ }}");
{% else %}
if(dmPt.enableGuestAbandonedCart && dmPt.emailSubmitted &&
dmPt.emailSubmitted !== ""){dmPt("identify", dmPt.emailSubmitted);}
{% endif %}
if(dmPt.cartId && dmPt.cartId !== ""){
dmPt("cartInsight", {
"programID": %programID%,
"cartDelay": %cartDelay%,
"cartID": dmPt.cartId,
"cartPhase": "ORDER_COMPLETE",
"grandTotal": ##{{ total_price | money_without_currency }},
"currency": "##{{ shop.currency }}",
"subtotal": ##{{ total_price | money_without_currency }},
"discountAmount": 0,
"taxAmount": 0,
"cartUrl": "##{{ shop.url }}",
"lineItems": []
We apply {tracking app url}/shopify/chat.js?shop={your store domain}
to your store theme.
If you choose to install manually, you must apply the chat script to each page of your site.
window._ddgChatConfig = {
apiSpace: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
urlBase: ''
(function(d, s, id){
var js, cjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
js = d.createElement(s); = id;
js.src = '';
cjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, cjs);
}(document, 'script', 'ddg-chat-widget'));
Identifying users
We apply a small section of code to your store’s theme.liquid
for the purpose of identifying logged in users.
{% if content_for_header contains "@@WBTSCRIPTURL@@" and %}
{% assign track_non_subscribed = @@TRACKNONSUBSCRIBEDCUSTOMERS@@ %}
{% if customer.accepts_marketing or track_non_subscribed %}
window.dmPtId = function() {
window.dmPt('identify', '##{{ }}');
{% endif %}
{% endif %}