Notice for all merchants using this app.
A reminder that we have upgraded our app for compatibility with Shopware 6.5.
We recommend upgrading to the newest available version of the app for your version of Shopware, to take advantage of improvements to abandoned carts (see below).
Improvements (v1.0.1 and v2.0.1)
The way we handle abandoned carts has been improved so that only carts that contain items, or have contained items, will be pushed to Dotdigital. This improvement means:
less complicated logic in your Dotdigital abandoned cart program
more reliable capture of cart abandonments
fewer API requests from your store
In addition, we’ve made a change so that, even if you have set a Cart Delay in your extension configuration, this will not apply to completed orders. This means that contacts can be exited from a program as soon as they’ve placed an order.