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02 February 2022 - Dotdigital for Magento Marketplace
02 February 2022 - Dotdigital for Magento Marketplace
Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a week ago

Email module 4.14.0

What's new

  • We have adopted declarative schema for our module's database structure.

  • Merchants can now sync all types of automations by store (previously the sync worked by website).

  • Guest abandoned baskets are now restored when a guest clicks the ‘Take me to my basket’ link.

  • Catalog sync now supports Multi Source Inventory in Magento.

  • The 'cleaner' cron can now be run on demand from the CLI.

  • Contacts who resubscribe in Dotdigital will have their subscription status updated in Magento.

  • The unsubscribe and resubscribe steps of the subscriber sync have been moved to a separate cron group.

  • This module has been renamed dotdigital/dotdigital-magento2-extension.


  • Catalog sync performance has been improved. The sync now runs continuously until all products are processed.

  • Product rows in the Catalog Report can now be set to ‘Processed’ or ‘Not processed’ either individually or in bulk.

  • The configurable Dotdigital cron jobs are now scheduled using a random offset.

  • Integration insight data has been extended to collect additional dotdigital configuration values, via a weekly cron.

  • Data migration can now be performed on a per-table basis via the CLI.

  • setup_version has been removed from module.xml; in the Dashboard, we now use composer.json to provide the current active module versions.

  • We've improved our handling of the contact import report; to be resubscribed, contacts must now be subscribed, and not suppressed.

  • Unused Fancybox JS files have been removed.

  • We've removed, or updated, various bits of code relating to the Zend Framework.

  • Menus and ACL resources are now translatable. External contribution

  • ImporterReportHandler now uses a newer unsubscribeByWebsiteAndStore() method, for scope-aware unsubscribes.

  • Our InstallData and UpgradeData scripts have now been removed and replaced with data patches.

  • We've updated a regex pattern to allow our extension to use ‘’ API endpoints in the future.

  • We've updated the naming of Dotdigital throughout the connector.

  • We've fixed date-based resetting in Developer > Sync Settings.

  • We’ve streamlined the Import Report (it could fail to load records when some types of filter were set).

Bug fixes

  • We patched a problem relating to logging SMTP failures, affecting Magento versions 2.3.0-2.3.2.

  • We fixed a bug with the catalog reset that happens when the Catalog sync image type value is changed, in Configuration > Image Types

Chat module 1.6.0

What’s new

  • This module has been renamed dotdigital/dotdigital-magento2-extension-chat.


  • We've added a new plugin to provide additional configuration values to our integration insight data cron.

  • setup_version has been removed from module.xml; in the Dashboard, we now use composer.json to provide the current active module version.

  • Menus and ACL resources are now translatable. External contribution

Enterprise module 1.8.0

What’s new

  • This module has been renamed dotdigital/dotdigital-magento2-extension-enterprise.


  • We've added a new plugin to provide additional configuration values to our integration insight data cron.

  • setup_version has been removed from module.xml; in the Dashboard, we now use composer.json to provide the current active module version.

B2B module 1.5.0

What’s new

  • This module has been renamed dotdigital/dotdigital-magento2-extension-b2b.


  • We've added a new plugin to provide additional configuration values to our integration insight data cron.

  • We've added a new plugin to facilitate data migration by table.

  • We’ve updated the plugin that fetches shared catalogs for sync, in line with our catalog sync improvements.

  • setup_version has been removed from module.xml; in the Dashboard, we now use composer.json to provide the current active module version.

  • Our ACL resources are now translatable.

  • We updated the function of the 'Reset B2B Quotes' button in Dotdigital > Developer, in line with changes in the Dotdigitalgroup_Email module.

  • We’ve prevented missing companies from blocking contact sync.

SMS module 1.3.0

What’s new

  • This module has been renamed dotdigital/dotdigital-magento2-extension-sms.


  • We've added a new plugin to provide additional configuration values to our integration insight data cron.

  • setup_version has been removed from module.xml; in the Dashboard, we now use composer.json to provide the current active module version.

  • Menus and ACL resources are now translatable. External contribution

  • We replaced our use of a custom DateIntervalFactory, instead using the native \DateInterval.

Bug fixes

  • Duplicate SMS sends were being queued on some setups; we’ve added checks in our observers to prevent this happening.

  • Sends relating to order ids longer than 5 digits would be queued for order_id 65535. This has been fixed with a schema update.

Email Graph QL module 1.1.0

What’s new

  • This module has been renamed dotdigital/dotdigital-magento2-extension-graph-ql.


  • setup_version has been removed from module.xml.

Chat Graph QL module 1.1.0

What’s new

  • This module has been renamed dotdigital/dotdigital-magento2-extension-chat-graph-ql.


  • setup_version has been removed from module.xml.

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