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All CollectionsAnnouncements2021
03 February 2021 - Engagement Cloud for Magento 2 (v4.11.0) release
03 February 2021 - Engagement Cloud for Magento 2 (v4.11.0) release
Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a week ago

What's new

  • We have a new feature that enables merchants to choose which image size they prefer to use for different contexts in Magento. Configurable by going to Stores > Configuration > dotdigital > Configuration > Image Types.

  • We’ve added the email_coupon_attribute table to the list of tables to drop in the module’s Uninstall class.

  • Our MFTF coverage in now improved, including report grid tests, further tests for Data Mapping, and a new test to check the Swagger API page, in case our code had caused it to break.

  • We removed some unnecessary configuration steps from our install script.

  • The UI component XML for our report grids has been restructured in line with Magento’s latest standards.

  • A legacy plugin for handling Most viewed product report data is now removed.
    We removed some unused methods relating to fetching a customer’s last order id and

Bug fixes

  • The value synced in the Store name column in guest sync is now the store view name instead of the website name. We now sync website name, store name and store view name in guest sync - all with the correct values.

  • We fixed a problem that prevented contacts subscribing to multiple stores in the same subscriber sync.

  • There’s now an array check before looping over order status automations after an order is saved.

  • We adjusted the module's dependency on magento/module-authorization; this fixes composer upgrades for merchants on Magento 2.4.

  • Try/catch to methods are now in the Serialized backend model. This swallows exceptions thrown by unreadable data stored for any field in our configuration that stores data in JSON format.

  • We made a small change to improve our error handling when retrieving lists of programs from Engagement Cloud.

  • We've swapped TimezoneInterface for DateTime when setting the wishlist updatedAt date in the wishlist sync. This appeared to be causing erratic data in some versions of Magento.

  • Caching is now possible in our coupon block; this fixes a bug that prevented coupon code generation in some setups.

  • We now respect the configuration of Stores > Configuration > Sales > Checkout > Grouped Product Image, and retrieve the parent grouped product image for cart insight data, where necessary.

  • Our cart insight dummy data schema has been updated to use the correct data types.

  • The currency code in order insight data now indicates the store currency, in line with the synced prices.

  • The OAuth Connect button in dotdigital > Developer > OAuth Credentials is now fixed.

  • We fixed a regression introduced in 4.5.1, which excluded bundle products with dynamic SKUs from cart insight data.

  • Wishlist insight data was showing the wrong updated at date, and modified wishlists were syncing without product data. Both these problems have been addressed. This release simplifies wishlist sync by removing ‘single’ wishlist imports, and handling all required updates in bulk.

  • Customers who subscribe during registration, but need to confirm their subscription, will now be added to a subscriber automation, if configured.

  • Failed cURL requests will now always return an object.

  • Data field mappings are now retrieved in website scope, instead of store scope.

  • We now fetch values for Disable Customer Success and Disable Newsletter Success in the correct (website) scope.

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