What’s new
We've added a message to the Abandoned browse block that explains the setup process to users that are not set up to use abandoned browse.
The report charts now handle incomplete data for the current month more efficiently.
There's now a hover state when you hover over the Customer dashboard tiles.
Magento 1
Read more about the latest release for Magento 1.
Reporting (email)
You can now hide deleted links in the Links and clicks report.
SMS messages that don't contain a link, and therefore cannot be tracked, no longer show 0 for clicks in the SMS reports. Instead, they show a dash.
Link shortening now works for links that contain full stops, commas, and other punctuation.
When you go to the Contacts page while sending an SMS, Engagement Cloud now automatically selects Send immediately by default.
Bug fixes and other improvements
Plus, we've made over 55 other bug fixes and improvements!