What’s new
We updated the Marketing API for the Facebook Audience and Messenger integrations to the latest version.
After Royal Mail discontinued Mailshot Maker, we've removed any existing Mailshot Maker profiles.
We removed the 160 character limit of the SMS single send API.
Commerce Flow > BigCommerce
We added a new data field for BigCommerce: order_source.
We've added additional data mapping for BigCommerce's customer group.
Commerce Flow > Salesforce Commerce Cloud
You can now sync the Preferred Locale field of your customers and all custom attributes of your catalog product variants to Engagement Cloud.
Commerce Flow > Shopify
We added extra order data fields, such as: source_name, payment_status, and refund_total.
Product tags are now synced to your Shopify catalog; the tags are inherited from their parents.
We made a change to stop product recommendations from regenerating unnecessarily.
Magento 2
Read more about the latest release for Magento 2.
Microsoft Dynamics
Read more about the latest release for Microsoft Dynamics.
You can no longer use STOP or START as a trigger word in an auto-responder campaign; this is to prevent your contacts from suppressing themselves.
Bug fixes and other improvements
Plus, we've made over 80 other bug fixes and improvements!