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Opt-outs for WhatsApp can be managed using a form built in Surveys, pages, and forms that removes the consent for WhatsApp from the corresponding data field added when the contact opted in. The process of removing consent for WhatsApp goes as follows:
Opt out form linked in the WhatsApp message.
User fills in the form to opt-out.
The user's data field updates to remove consent.
This article shows you how to manage opt-outs for WhatsApp in three steps:
Create an opt-out page
Create a WhatsApp opt-out program
Create a WhatsApp opt-out form
Before you start
Things you need to know:
You must collect opt-ins for marketing communication with WhatsApp.
Consent for WhatsApp is stored as a data field.
The native Stop promotions button is not supported yet. You can’t use the same default copy designed for this Stop promotions button.
1. Create a confirmation page
It might seem slightly backward, but first, let’s create a confirmation page to confirm to the user they’ve opted out of WhatsApp messages.
In Dotdigital, go to Content > Surveys, pages and forms.
Select Blank template.
Enter a name and choose a location. This example uses the name WhatsApp opt-out confirmation.
Drag a Title block onto the canvas, and enter your title text. In this example, we’ll use You unsubscribed from WhatsApp.
Drag a Text block underneath the title, and enter some body text.
Save and Publish your form and copy the link.
Learn how to do this in Publish a survey, page, or form.
2. Create a WhatsApp opt-out program
Now, let’s create a program to update the WhatsApp consent data field for contacts who opt out.
In Dotdigital, go to Automation > Programs.
Select NEW PROGRAM, then select Blank template.
Enter a name for this program. For example, WhatsApp opt-out.
Select the start node, then for Enrolment scheduling, select SET SCHEDULE, then select No scheduled enrolments.
Select APPLY, then APPLY again.
Drag an Update contact node onto the canvas connected to the start node.
Select the node to open the settings, then select Update selected data field.
On the Update contact node, make sure the WA_CONSENT data field is selected; then for the Update method, select Replace with a new value, then expand the drop-down menu, and select is no.
Select APPLY.
Drag an Exit node onto the canvas connected below the Update contact node.
Save and activate your program.
Learn how in Activate and deactivate automated programs.
Learn more about programs in our Program builder documentation.
3. Create a WhatsApp opt-out form
In this section, we create a generic form for removing WhatsApp consent. Feel free to style and customise yours exactly how you want it.
In Dotdigital, go to Content > Surveys, pages, and forms.
Create a header for your page. In this example, I use an Image block for the logo and a text block for a title. But you can customise this however you want.
For the mobile number collection form, drag a Columns block onto the canvas. Set the number of columns to three. However, we only use the middle column.
Learn more about columns.From the Form blocks menu, drag a Text box into the middle column of your column block.
In the Text block settings, set the Question type to Contact mobile number, check the Required check box, and enter any other details you want such as an error message or watermark.
From the Form blocks menu, drag an Action button block onto the canvas. Enter your own Submit button text. In the example, I used ‘Unsubscribe’.
From the Form blocks menu, drag a Confirmation block onto the canvas. Then set the confirmation to Go to a page, and choose the WhatsApp opt-out confirmation page you made in step 1 of this article.
Expand the Form options menu, and select Submit actions.
Under Add respondents, choose No list, and enrol users onto the WhatsApp opt-outs program we made in step 2.
You can add this form to your welcome journey and any message you send.
Learn more about creating and customising a form in Create a survey or form.