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Activate and deactivate automated programs
Activate and deactivate automated programs

Learn to activate and deactivate your automated programs.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 7 months ago

Programs can be in one of five states:

  • Draft

  • Active

  • Deactivated

  • Read-only

  • Deleted

The state of any program at any time can be confirmed by looking at the Status column on the All programs page, where all of your programs are listed. The only exception is deleted programs, which are not listed here.

You can change these states by activating, deactivating and reactivating programs.

Activate a program

Whilst building a program, it's in a draft state. Once you're completely happy with your program, select SAVE to confirm your changes, then select ACTIVATE. This enables your program and puts it into an Active state.


A program can no longer be edited once activated. If you need to make changes to an active program, you must deactivate it first.

If you have any outstanding validation errors, you won't be able to activate your program until they're resolved. Expand the VALIDATION drop-down menu to see details of any errors. Select the error message to highlight the program area where the issue occurs.

Once you select ACTIVATE, your program begins running. An active program displays a message at the top of the program builder canvas to show that it's enrolling new contacts, sending messages, and performing any other actions that you have configured.


Deactivate a program

To deactivate a program, select DEACTIVATE THIS PROGRAM in the toolbar.


If the program has ever enrolled any contacts, it changes to a Deactivated state.

If it has never enrolled any contacts, it reverts to a Draft state.

Contacts in a deactivated program

If you deactivate a program while contacts are still on their journey, then they remain stationary at the node they are at when you deactivate. If you eventually reactivate the program, the contacts continue on their journey from where they left off.

Reactivate a program

To reactivate a program, select ACTIVATE on the program toolbar. The program needs to have been saved and have no validation errors to be able to do this.


If the program has enrolled any contacts at any point whilst being active, then you also have the option to disable or resume enrolments once reactivated. To do this, expand the UTILITIES drop-down menu.

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