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Use Web behavior tracking to increase your sales
Use Web behavior tracking to increase your sales

Target contacts with relevant product recommendations, offers, and testimonials to encourage them to convert interests into purchases.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 2 months ago

You can use Web behavior tracking to identify contacts who have abandoned their carts or visited and browsed product pages on your site.

Before you start

Use Web behavior tracking

You can use Web behavior tracking to identify browsers on your site who have visited pages within a particular collection or department, for example, your Summer offers, and then send them communications relevant to the pages they have viewed.

You can use the program builder to automate this process for you.

To do this:

  1. Create a new program.

  2. Set your program to enrol daily (or less often, if you prefer) and then add an enrolment rule which triggers from a segment.

  3. Create a segment which identifies contacts who have viewed pages for the products you want to include.

    You could also add a filter which only includes those contacts who have viewed the specific pages since the beginning of the sale or promotion.

  4. For Enrolment limits, select Enrol contacts in program only the first time they meet the start criteria. This means contacts travel through your program journey only once.

  5. Add a campaign node which sends a campaign highlighting relevant offers and products.

  6. Add an exit node.

  7. Save and Activate your program.

The program automatically sends out your campaign to the contacts that satisfy your enrolment rules, informing them of the best sellers within the department. This allows you to educate those potential purchasers who were looking around.

You can include reviews of these best selling products and testimonials from satisfied customers, as well as suggesting other related products, meaning your recipient doesn't just hit a dead end if they do happen to decide none of these products are for them, or if they have already bought one or more of them.

If they do buy one or more of the best selling products off the back of the campaign, then they may also go on to buy one or more of the related products suggested, meaning you're making the most of a cross-selling and upselling opportunity.

Seeing results

With Web behavior tracking you can initiate cross-selling and upselling opportunities. Pinpointing interested contacts and sending them contextual content maximises your impact.

Not only that, but they end up impressed by your proactivity, your communications with them, and your attention to detail about their possible requirements. They also have a better impression overall of your business. Their connection with you, and engagement, has improved - which is likely to increase their loyalty and spend with you in the long term.

Don't forget

This Web behavior tracking program model, which could of course include greater complexity, can be applied to any type of individual product or sales page on your site, enabling you to convert 'browsing' leads into actual sales.

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