Integrations is where you can see and manage integrations in your account. You can also check out our Featured and Self-serve integrations.
Before you start
Things you need to know:
To access the Integrations area, you must be the account owner, or a user with the Integrations permission enabled.
Learn more in Restrict and grant user access permissions.
Find an integration
To find and use an integration:
Go to Connect > Integrations.
In the left column, under SHOW and CATEGORIES, you can choose the types of integrations you want to see.
SHOW:Installed: your installed integrations.
Featured: our popular integrations.
Self-serve: integrations you can install yourself.
Dotdigital built: integrations made by our team.
When you find an integration you want to install, select ADD.
Complete the setup of the integration by following the prompts.
Each integration is different and has different requirements. Learn more about setting up an integration in Integrations.
After successfully setting up the integration, you can find it both on the Installed integrations filter and displayed in Connect.
Disable, edit, or delete integration settings
Go to Connect and select the integration you want to edit.
In this view, you can disable, reconfigure, or delete the integration:
Select Disable to disable the integration.
Select Settings to reconfigure the integration.
Select Delete to delete the integration.