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13 September 2023 - Dotdigital integration release notes - 2023.3.6
13 September 2023 - Dotdigital integration release notes - 2023.3.6

On 13 September 2023, we released a maintenance upgrade for the following Dotdigital integrations. Here's what's changed:

Henry Huish avatar
Written by Henry Huish
Updated over a week ago

Dotdigital for Magento 2 (v4.22.0)

What’s new

  • Consent configuration has been moved to its own section of the Dotdigital admin.

  • Consent insight is no longer synced alongside subscribers; it has its own separate cron.

  • There is a new cron to reflect changes to subscription status in Dotdigital; ddg_automation_platform_modified_contacts replaces ddg_automation_resubscribe.

  • We have integrated our own PHP SDK to make API calls to the new V3 Dotdigital API (for multi-channel sync).

  • Address books have been renamed to ‘Lists’ in line with the Dotdigital convention.

  • Subscriber_Update imports are now named Subscriber_Unsubscribe.

  • The module now requires PHP 7.4+ and Magento 2.3.7+.


  • The code powering our customer account subscriptions dashboard has been updated to make it more efficient and extensible.

  • We have refactored our importer code to handle imports to both V2 and V3 endpoints.

  • We updated our code to prevent saving an empty string in the email column in email_contact.

  • All references to Zend classes have been replaced with their Laminas equivalents.

  • We’ve made some changes to the table migration code to allow it to be extended by our other modules.

  • Merchants can now select from up to 5000 lists in Dotdigital > Sync Settings > List Mapping.

  • We’ve removed some Magento license headers from places in our code.

  • Messaging in the ‘Are you sure?’ modal for Set Up Integration has been made clearer.

  • We removed direct usage of $escaper in templates, to keep support for 2.3.7.

  • We removed usage of ObjectManager from backend models and unit tests.

  • The LogViewer class filename has been renamed to the use the correct caps format.

  • We updated the help description for our sync CLI command.

Bug fixes

  • We restored a specific connection type to our queue_topology.xml, and set one in queue_consumer.xml as well.

  • We’ve prevented null values being passed to round() in cart insight.

  • Data migration in a split database setup will now complete all possible steps without breaking.

  • Changes to customer website association, made from the admin, will now update the matching row in email_contact.

  • We fixed a bug that occurred if a customer changed email address to match an existing guest row in email_contact.

Dotdigital for Magento 2 SMS (v1.6.0)

Note: this release requires Dotdigital for Magento 2 (v4.22.0).

What’s new

  • Customers and guests can now subscribe using mobile numbers at registration and checkout.

  • Customers can manage their subscription and subscribed mobile number in their account.

  • Magento admins can manage customer SMS subscriptions and mobile numbers in the customer admin view.

  • Consent can be captured for SMS subscriptions.

  • SMS subscribers are synced to a specific list in Dotdigital via the new V3 API.

  • SMS subscribers who unsubscribe or resubscribe outside of Magento will have their subscription status updated in Magento.

  • The module now requires PHP 7.4+ and Magento 2.3.7+.


  • The module’s code has been fully aligned with Magento’s latest coding standards.

  • We’ve removed some Magento license headers from places in our code.

Bug fixes

  • We fixed a problem with the character counter for transactional SMS templates.

  • We fixed an action group reference in the TelephoneNumberPreValidationTest MFTF test.

Dotdigital for Magento B2B (v1.8.0)

What’s new

  • The module now requires PHP 7.4+ and Magento 2.3.7+.

Dotdigital for Magento 2 Commerce (v1.10.6)


  • We’ve updated the module’s dependencies. The module now requires PHP 7.4+ and Magento 2.4.1-p1+.

Dotdigital Chat for Magento 2 (v1.8.0)


  • All references to Zend classes have been replaced with their Laminas equivalents.

  • We’ve updated the module’s dependencies. The module now requires PHP 7.4+ and Magento 2.3.7+.

Dotdigital for Magento 2: Chat GraphQl module (v1.1.2)


  • We’ve updated the module’s dependencies. The module now requires PHP 7.4+ and Magento 2.3.7+.

Dotdigital for Magento 2: Core GraphQl module (v2.0.1)


  • We’ve updated the module’s dependencies. The module now requires PHP 7.4+ and Magento 2.3.7+.

Dotdigital for Magento Inventory Management (v1.1.0)

What’s new

  • We’ve updated the module’s dependencies. The module now requires PHP 7.4+ and Magento 2.3.7+.

PHP SDK for the Dotdigital API (v2.1.0)

What’s new

  • We added a patchByIdentifier method to the V3 Contacts resource.


  • We added skip and select params to the V2 show() method for address books (lists).

  • We added @method docblocks to selected V3 models.

Dotdigital for WooCommerce (v1.4.0)

What’s new

  • Customers and guests can now sign up for SMS marketing, with consent, at registration and checkout.

  • SMS subscribers are pushed to a specific list in Dotdigital via the new V3 API.

  • Mobile numbers are validated client-side before submit.

  • The plugin’s vendor namespaces are now prefixed before SVN submission, to prevent namespace clashes.


  • We added a filter to enable modification of the cart item data before sending to Dotdigital. [External contribution]

  • We now update cart insight when modifying item quantities in the basket. [External contribution]

Bug fixes

  • We added some extra checks for WC()→customer and WC()→session before calling functions on those objects.

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