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Insight data: Settings - Magento 1

Adjust import and syncing settings for your Insight data.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a year ago

To access these options go to System > Configuration > Dotdigital > Configuration and System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Developer.

Import settings

Sync memory limit

Expand the drop-down menu and select No to use the system default memory or Yes to use the customer sync memory default.

Depending upon your site's configuration, you may not have either enough memory set in the PHP memory or too low a PHP timeout setting for our sync to work. As a default we use your site's default setting but selecting Yes sets the timeout as 7200 and the memory as 512MB.

Once happy with the limit size selected, select Save Config.

Data sync size

To adjust your data synchronisation limit size, expand the drop-down menu to select from a 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 or 500 limit per Insight data import. The smaller the limit size, the quicker the import can complete, but the less Insight data is imported in one go.

This limit is per website, so if you have four websites then a limit of 200 is actually 800.

Select Save Config to confirm any changes

Transactional data

Import with status

In System > Configuration > Dotdigital > Configuration, you have the option to only import and synchronise orders of a certain status, rather than all of them. Select Transactional Data to select a status, or you can select multiple statuses by holding the Ctrl button whilst selecting.

Select Save Config to confirm any changes

Order custom attributes

You can select additional custom order attributes to be imported and synchronised with your OrderInsight data, if you have OrderInsight installed. This selection comprises all of the order attributes that are available within the Magento system, allowing you to segment and send content based upon these too.

Select the list to select an attribute, or you can select multiple attributes by holding the Ctrl button whilst selecting.

Select Save Config to confirm any changes.

Quote custom attributes

You can select additional custom quote attributes to be imported and synchronised with your OrderInsight data, if you have OrderInsight installed. This selection comprises all of the quote attributes that are available within the Magento system, allowing you to segment and send content based upon abandoned carts/baskets too.

For quotes that have not converted.

Select the list to select an attribute, or select multiple attributes by holding the Ctrl button whilst selecting.

Select Save Config to confirm any changes.

Include products attributes in order sync

You can select product attributes for catalog synchronisation with your AccountInsight data, if you have AccountInsight installed.

Select Save Config to confirm any changes.

Include product custom options in order sync

You can enable your custom product options for synchronisation here.

Select Save Config to confirm any changes.

Catalog sync settings

Catalog values

When you have AccountInsight data, you can select whether the syncing of a product includes only its default settings or if the product is synced separately for each store.

Select Save Config to confirm any changes.

Include products by visibility

You can choose to sync only the products of a certain visibility type as set in Magento.

Select Save Config to confirm any changes.

Include products by type

You can choose to sync only the products of a certain type as set in Magento.

Select Save Config to confirm any changes.

Sync settings

Refresh orders data

Select Run Now to refresh all of the OrderInsight data stored in Dotdigital that you've already imported from Magento, marking it all for import again and ensuring it's up to date.

Refresh quote data

Select Run Now to refresh all of the quote data stored in Dotdigital that you've already imported from Magento, marking it all for import again and ensuring it's up to date.

Refresh review data

Select Run Now will refresh all of the review data stored in Dotdigital that you've already imported from Magento, marking it all for import again and ensuring it's up to date.

Refresh wishlist data

Select Run Now to refresh all of the wishlist data stored in Dotdigital that you've already imported from Magento, marking it all for import again and ensuring it's up to date.

Refresh catalog data

Select Run Now to refresh all of the AccountInsight data stored in Dotdigital that you've already imported from Magento, marking it all for import again and ensuring it's up to date.

Manually run sync

Select Run Now to manually run synchronisation on orders, wishlists, reviews, quotes and catalog.

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