This integration empowers small to mid-sized non-profits, charities, healthcare, and educational organisations to effortlessly sync contact data, donation histories, and more between Raiser’s Edge and Dotdigital.
Before you start
Things you need to know:
This integration is one-way; it synchronises data from Raiser’s Edge to Dotdigital.
Constituents means Contacts in Dotdigital.
Raiser’s Edge lists are similar to Segments; they are dynamic and update at regular intervals.
Fund refers to the reason or cause for a donation, such as a campaign, for example, Flood Relief Fund.
Key features
This integration includes:
One-way sync
Custom field mapping and contacts sync.Syncing of giving history
View a contacts giving history in Dotdigital.
1. Add Dotdigital app to Raiser’s Edge
You must have the marketplace permissions within your organisation to connect apps with Raiser’s Edge.
Go to Raiser’s Edge Marketplace and find the Dotdigital app, then select Get started.
Follow the installation steps.
When the installation is complete, close the app and go to Dotdigital.
2. Connect your Raiser's Edge NXT account
In Dotdigital, go to Connect > Integrations.
In the left menu, under SHOW, select Dotdigital built.
Find Raiser’s Edge NXT, then select +ADD.
3. Set up the integration
For Raiser’s Edge NXT authentication, select New authentication and follow the steps to authenticate your Raiser’s Edge account. Select NEXT.
Expand the Sync Constituents drop-down menu, then choose Yes to sync your constituents with Dotdigital. Select NEXT.
For Blackbaud List, select the Lists in Raiser's Edge that you want to sync to Dotdigital, then select NEXT.
Expand the Default country drop-down menu, then choose the country for the majority of your contacts from whom you are collecting mobile numbers. Select NEXT.
Expand the Fallback email address drop-down menu and choose the field you want to use.
By default, the integration syncs the contact’s primary email from Raiser’s Edge. If your contacts don’t have a primary email selected, we sync the chosen fallback email address. If contacts don't have a primary or fallback email, Dotdigital syncs them without this data.
Select NEXT.
Expand the Fallback phone number drop-down menu and choose the field you want to use.
By default, the integration syncs the contact’s primary mobile number from Raiser’s Edge. If your contacts don’t have a primary phone number selected, we sync the chosen fallback phone number. If contacts don't have a primary or fallback phone number, Dotdigital syncs them without this data.
Select NEXT.
For Mapped Fields, use the drop-down menus to map your Dotdigital data fields to your Raiser’s Edge data fields. This ensures your data fields are syncing to the correct place in Dotdigital.
Select ADD A NEW MAPPING to map custom data fields. Select NEXT.
Select FINISH to complete the installation.
Your Raiser’s Edge lists are available in Dotdigital in Audience > Lists.
The initial sync may take up to 30 minutes, depending on the volume of data.
Technical details
The platform synchronises the contacts every hour but the sync may take some time.
If contacts are added or removed from the list in Raiser’s Edge, they are also added or removed from the list in Dotdigital.
Users can add multiple emails to one contact in Raiser’s Edge, however, we only sync the contact’s primary email. If this email is flagged as Do not email we do not sync it to Dotdigital. Mapping additional emails is not supported.
Raiser’s Edge default data fields
The following data fields are based on Raiser’s Edge and correspond to different types of gifts:
Data field | Definition |
FIRST_GIFT | The amount of the first donation made by the contact. |
FIRST_GIFT_DATE | The date when the first donation was made. |
FIRST_GIFT_FUND | The fund or cause to which the first donation was allocated. |
GREATEST_GIFT | The largest single donation amount made by the contact. |
GEATEST_GIFT_DATE | The date when the largest single donation was made. |
GREATEST_GIFT_FUND | The fund or cause to which the greatest donation was allocated. |
LAST_GIFT | The amount of the most recent donation made by the contact. |
LAST_GIFT_DATE | The date when the most recent donation was made. |
LAST_GIFT_FUND | The fund or cause to which the most recent donation was allocated. |
LIFETIME_GIFT_TOTAL | The total amount of all donations made by the contact over their lifetime. |