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Filter Liquid outputs

You can use filters on outputs to change the way that these outputs are displayed.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 3 months ago

The output is on the left of the pipe (|), and this output is what gets rendered The filter is on the right of the pipe, and this filter affects the output before it is rendered. For example:

Hello ##{{ }}, the current date is ##{{ account.datetime }}.

Output (for Ben): Hello ben, the current date is 17/04/2018 16:30:31.

This data can be changed by using the capitalize and date filters. For example:

Hello ##{{ | capitalize }}, the current date is ##{{ account.datetime | date: "%a %B %Y" }}.

Output (for Ben): Hello Ben, the current date is 17 April 2018.

An output can include multiple filters. For example:

##{{ account.datetime | date: "%a %B %Y" | upcase }}

Output: 17 APRIL 2018

Text filters


Converts a string to camelcase. For example:

{{ "Henry the tiger-cat" | camelcase }}

Output: HenryTheTigerCat


Changes the first character of a string to be upper case and the rest to be lower case. For example:

{{ "the Quick broWN FOX" | capitalize }}

Output: The quick brown fox


Convert an input string to lowercase. For example:

{{ "the Quick broWN FOX" | downcase }}

Output: the quick brown fox


upcase - convert an input string to uppercase. For example:

{{ "the Quick broWN FOX" | upcase }}



Size returns the size of an array or string. For example:

{{ "the Quick broWN FOX" | size }}

Output: 19

You can also use the size property. For example:

{{ }}


Replaces each instance of a substring within a string. For example:

{{ "" | replace: 'womble','badger' }}


Replaces the first instance of a substring within a string. For example:

{{ "" | replace_first: 'womble','badger' }}


Removes each occurrence of a substring from within a string. For example:

{{ "" | remove: 'womble' }}


Removes the first occurrence of a substring from within a string. For example:

{{ "" | remove_first: 'womble' }}


Truncates a string down to n characters. It also accepts a second parameter that will append to the string. If no parameter is given then the string will be appended with 3 dots. The appended string is included in the character count. For example:

{{ "If you go down in the woods today you're sure of a big surprise" | truncate: 20 }}

Output: If you go down in...

{{ "If you go down in the woods today you're sure of a big surprise" | truncate: 20,'…(read more)' }}

Outputs: If you g…(read more)

truncate words

Truncates a string down to n words. It also accepts a second parameter that will append to the string. If no parameter is given then the string will be appended with 3 dots. For example:

{{ "If you go down in the woods today you're sure of a big surprise" | truncatewords: 5 }}

Output: If you go down in...

{{ "If you go down in the woods today you're sure of a big surprise" | truncatewords: 5,'…(read more)' }}

Output: If you go down in…(read more)


Prepends a string to the input. For example:

{{ "rabbits can see behind themselves but have got a blind spot right in front of their face" | prepend: "Did you know, " }}

Output: Did you know, rabbits can see behind themselves but have got a blind spot right in front of their face


Appends a string to the input. For example:

{{ "When I'm sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead." | append: " True story." }}

Output: When I'm sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story.


Takes a substring from an input starting after the nth character, where n is the first parameter. The length of the substring taken is the second parameter. For example:

{{ "With many cheerful facts about the square on the hypotenuse" | slice: 12,8 }}

Output: eerful f

{{ "With many cheerful facts about the square on the hypotenuse" | slice: -12,8 }}

Output: he hypot


Splits a string on a matching pattern. For example:

{{ "red and yellow and pink and green, orange and purple and blue" | split: "and" }}

Output: ["red "," yellow "," pink "," green, orange "," purple "," blue"]


Converts a string into a MD5 hash. For example:

{{ "some string" | md5 }}

Output: 5ac749fbeec93607fc28d666be85e73a

Maths filters


Subtracts from the input number. For example:

{{ 100 | minus: 2 }}

Output: 98


Adds to the input number. For example:

{{ 100 | plus: 2 }}

Output: 102


Multiplies the input number. For example:

{{ 100 | times: 2 }}

Output: 200


Divides the input. For example:

{{ 100 | divided_by: 2 }}

Output: 50

Note that if the input is an integer, so will the output be. For example:

{{ 100 | divided_by: 7 }}

Output: 14


Rounds the input to the nearest integer or specified number of decimals. For example:

{{ 101.99 | round: 1 }}

Output: 102.0

Numeric data stored as text

The round filter can also be used to convert a text value representing a number ("12.5") to a numeric value (12.5). This is useful when working with numeric data stored as text.


Rounds the input down to the . For example:

{{ 101.99 | floor }}

Output: 101

Numeric data stored as text

The floor filter can convert a text value to a numeric value and round it down to the nearest integer (for example, "12.5" is converted to 12). This is useful when working with whole numbers while converting text values to numeric values.


Outputs the remainder when dividing by the given value. For example:

{{ 100 | modulo: 7 }}

Output: 2


Outputs the number as a currency string with the appropriate symbol and number of decimal places. For example:

{{ 100 |money: "GBP" }}

Output: £100.00

{{ 17.1 |money: "USD" }}

Output: $17.10

{{ 1000000 |money: "EUR" }}

Output: 1 000 000,00 €

Array filters


Gets the first element of the passed in array.


Gets the last element of the passed in array.


Join elements of the array with certain character between them. For example:

{{ "Conquest", "War", "Famine", "Death" | join: " and " }}

Output: Conquest and War and Famine and Death


Sorts the elements of an array based on a given attribute of an element in the array. For example:

<!--{% assign products = account.insight.Products | sort: 'price' %}-->
<!--{% for product in products %}-->
{{ product.title }} {{ product.price }}<br/>
<!--{% endfor %}-->

Output: A list of products from the account.insight.Products collection starting with the cheapest and in ascending order of price.


Returns the size of an array (or string). For example:

{{ account.insight.Products | size }}

Output: An integer with the number of objects in the account.insight.Products collection.

You can also use the size property. For example:

{{ account.insight.Products.size }}

Date filters

Using date filters

These date filters convert the date to a string. Only use these if you just want to display the date in an email campaign, page, or form.


Formats the date in the specified format. For example:

{{ | date: "%a, %b %d, %y" }}

Output: Tue, Apr 17, 2018

Only English date names are available.


Adds the specified number of days to the date. For example:

This voucher expires tomorrow, {{ | add_days: 1 | date: "%b %d" }}

Output: This voucher expires tomorrow, Apr 18

(Where April 18 is tomorrow's date.)

Negative numbers can be used for subtracting days.


Adds the specified number of weeks to the date. Negative numbers can be used for subtracting weeks.


Adds the specified number of months to the date. Negative numbers can be used for subtracting months.


Adds the specified number of years to the date. Negative numbers can be used for subtracting years.

Date formatting

The following parameters can be used for formatting dates.


Abbreviated weekday. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%a" }}

Output: Tue


Full weekday. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%A" }}

Output: Tuesday


Abbreviated month name. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%b" }}

Output: Apr


Full month name. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%B" }}

Output: April


Preferred local date and time representation. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%c" }}

Output (depending on the locale of your account): 17/04/18 16:30:31


Day of the month, zero-padded. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%d" }}

Output: 05


Day of the month, not zero-padded. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%-d" }}

Output: 5


Formats the date in dd/mm/yyyy format. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%D" }}

Output: 17/04/2018


The blank padded day of the month. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%e" }}

Output: ' 5'


Returns the date component of the input in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm--dd). For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%F" }}

Output: 2018-04-17


Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00-23). For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%H" }}

Output: 16


Hour of the date, 12-hour clock (1-12). For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%I" }}

Output: 4


Day of the year. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%j" }}

Output: 107


Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (1-24). For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%k" }}

Output: 16


Month of the year (01-12). For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%m" }}

Output: 04


Minute of the hour (00-59). For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%M" }}

Output: 30


The meridian indicator (AM/PM). For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%p" }}

Output: PM


12-hour time (in %I:%M::S %p format). For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%r" }}

Output: 04:30:31 PM


24-hour time (in %H:%M:%S format). For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%R" }}

Output: 16:30:31


The number of the week in the current year, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of the week. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%U" }}

Output: 16


The number of the week in the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the week. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%W" }}

Output: 16


The day of the week (0-6) with Sunday being 0. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%w" }}

Output: 2


Preferred local date representation. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%x" }}

Output (depending on the locale of your account): 17/04/2018
or: 4/17/2018


Preferred local time representation. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%X" }}

Output (depending on the locale of your account): 16:30:31
or: 04:30:31 PM


Year without the century (00-99). For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%y" }}

Output: 18


Year with the century. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%Y" }}

Output: 2018


Timezone offset from UTC. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%z" }}

Output: +0100

KNOWN BUG: This currently does not work


Timezone offset from UTC with a colon. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%:z" }}

Output: +01:00

KNOWN BUG: This currently does not work


Timezone abbreviated name. For example:

{{ account.datetime | date: "%Z" }}

Output: BST

KNOWN BUG: This currently outputs the timezone offset with a colon.

Strip HTML

To strip any HTML pulled through on a variable use | escape }} or | strip_html }}

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