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Set up, design, test, and send email campaigns.
Email campaigns overviewAn email campaign is an email that you create, store, and send from your account.
Choose a templateSelecting a template is the first step to creating an email campaign.
Campaign setupProvide some initial campaign setup details in the first step of the five-step campaign creation process.
Build your campaign in EasyEditorThe second step in the campaign creation process is to add your content to your campaign and finalise its design.
Create the plain text version of your campaignAfter creating the HTML version of your email campaign, it's time to create a plain text version.
Test your campaignUse the campaign testing options to check your campaign content and design.
Campaign send settingsHaving created and tested your campaign, you now need to select who to send it to, and when.
Review and send your campaignYou’ve finished creating your campaign, tested it, and decided who to send to and when to send.
EasyEditor overviewUse Dotdigital’s EasyEditor to create and design email campaigns and landing pages.
Add a countdown timer to an email campaignCountdown timers can highlight time-sensitive events or promotions. They're great at adding a sense of urgency to your emails.
Change the colours in your email campaignAdd a bit of colour to your email campaigns.
Use different fonts in EasyEditorThe difference between web fonts and web-safe fonts, and the limitations you must consider when using them.
Add web fonts to emailVendors like Google and Adobe provide fonts to stylise your text. These fonts can be added to EasyEditor email templates or campaigns.
Insert unique file download links in an email campaignUse contact data fields to send each of your contacts a unique link.
Insert a calendar appointment link in an email campaignAllow your contacts to easily save an event in their calendars.
Insert links into your campaignAdd different link types to your campaign by using the link manager.
Create an invisible preheader for a campaignIf your campaign is required to have a preheader and you don't want it displayed in your campaign, then you're in the right place.
Add border lines and paddingEasyEditor makes it simple to add border lines and padding into your campaigns.
Insert dynamic rules and personalisation for subject lines and from namesUse personalisation and dynamic rules to determine what subject line and from name a contact should see.
Add data field personalisation to your email campaign or landing pageInsert personal information relating to each recipient within the body of the campaign or landing page.
Insert a GIF in an email campaignA few things you need to know before using GIFs in your email campaigns.
Images in EasyEditorLearn to add, insert, and edit images in a campaign or survey, page, or form.
Advice on image resolutions and retina displaysMake the most of the images you use in your campaigns.
Use the image managerUpload, download, store, and edit your images.
Use different languages and alphabets when creating contentDotdigital fully supports the use of multiple languages and alphabets anywhere you can enter text.
Edit content visibility for different devicesMake sure your campaigns are optimised for mobile and desktop displays.
WinstonAI: Email Subject line and Campaign feedback assistantUse the power of AI to optimise your email campaigns.
WinstonAI: Rewrite assistant for emailUse WinstonAI for instant inspiration to help improve your copy.
Change the width of your campaignEdit the width of your campaigns created from templates in-app.
Edit the source code of an email campaignFine-tune your code and customise it exactly how you want it.
Review tools for email campaigns: the Utilities menuEasyEditor's Utilities menu has a number of tools to help you review your campaign.
Work with dark modeWhat you should consider when designing your campaign.
Optimal image size and file format for email campaignsLearn to choose the best image sizes and file formats for your email campaigns.
View and edit your campaign summary before sendingReview an at-a-glance view of the key details about your campaign.
Split test an email campaignTest different variables within your campaigns, such as subject lines, friendly from names, content, and even your email from address.
Use send time optimisationEnsure your email sends are timed to reach inboxes when they're most likely to be read.
Throttle the sending of an email campaignControl and spread the send rate over a longer period than the default send speed .
Approve campaigns before sendingHave your campaigns approved by a nominated team member before sending.
Use ReMail to resend a campaign to non-engaging subscribersAutomatically resend a campaign with a new subject line to anyone who hasn't engaged with it after a set number of days
Do I need a dedicated IP address?The pros and cons of sending from a dedicated IP address.
Use clicks as the primary metricWhy we prioritise using click rate data over open rate data.
Add account-level UTM tags to email campaign linksTrack contact engagement with your campaigns.
All the tracking domains we useIn the interests of recipient security and transparency, we provide a list all of our tracking domains.
Understand open tracking and link trackingGain extra insight into what your contacts are interested in.
Site and ROI trackingEnrich your understanding of contact engagement with your site, and gain a greater appreciation of your campaigns' ROI conversions.
Use Google Analytics 4 with DotdigitalHow we work with the latest version of Google Analytics.
Add campaign-level UTM tags to email campaign linksOverride default, account-level UTM tracking for specific campaigns.
Google Analytics and Dotdigital: reporting differencesGoogle Analytics reporting does not always correlate with Dotdigital reporting for various reasons.
Use an email templateWe offer a number of free templates you can choose from, with attractive designs to cater for all needs.
Edit a saved email templateSave templates into your template library, allowing you to modify them again and again when creating new campaigns.
Save an email campaign into a templateAny sent or unsent campaigns that you've created can be copied to your template library for future use.
Upload a custom HTML email templateDesign and create your own HTML template and upload it to your account.
Add a sustainability statement to your email campaignsLet your contacts know you care about your impact on the planet.
EasyEditor template markup overviewControl how your users can interact with your content in EasyEditor.
Make your email template responsiveOur email templates contain various CSS styles that are essential for your email campaigns to be rendered correctly across devices.
Add HTML to email templatesFurther customise your campaigns and templates.
Add CSS to email templatesIf you want to add your own CSS rules to your email templates, you need to put your styles in the correct internal stylesheets.
CSS inlinerEasyEditor has a built-in CSS inliner, which converts CSS rules in specific internal stylesheets to inline styles.
Create text styles in EasyEditorText styles are CSS rules that you can apply to text in EasyEditor.
Create button styles in EasyEditorButton styles are saved CSS rules that you can apply to buttons from the EasyEditor user interface.
Change the default padding of building blocks in EasyEditorAll new building blocks have a default value for their padding property.
Manage user actions in email templatesIn HTML and CSS for EasyEditor email templates, specific classes, attributes, and comments are used to enable or disable user actions.
Link placeholders in EasyEditorIf you're building your email outside of EasyEditor, you might need some snippets of HTML code to enable certain link types.
Personalisation with Liquid: overviewUse Liquid script to add deeper personalisation to campaigns and landing pages.
Script content with LiquidCreate targeted and relevant content for both landing pages and campaigns.
Outputs and data objectsObjects are the different types of data you have access to when using Liquid.
Filter Liquid outputsYou can use filters on outputs to change the way that these outputs are displayed.
Use liquid filters to display contact insight data information in a emailFilters you can use on your Liquid output to display insight data information.
Using tags to put logic into your campaigns, templates and landing pagesTags are used when building logic to tell your content what to do.
Loop, Decision, and Liquid markup building blocksCreate custom content using Liquid markup.
Create an email sending strategyImprove your sending reputation.
Verify your DNS records for a Self-hosted From addressIf you use a Custom from address and are self-hosting your DNS records, you must first verify the DNS records of your sending domain.
Understand your sender reputationYour account's sender reputation is an important indicator of good email marketing practice.
Understand email spam trapsThe different types of spam traps that mailbox providers use, and what happens if you hit a spam trap.
Avoid email spam trapsHow spam traps get into your email contact lists and how to avoid this.
Fix your sender reputationFix the negative effects a spam trap has on your sender reputation.
Delegate a subdomain to our serversUse a delegated subdomain or delegated lookalike domain for your custom 'from' address (CFA).
Understanding List-UnsubscribeList-Unsubscribe is a tag that tells email clients to automatically show the unsubscribe button in the email's header.
Branded domains: sending with a custom from address (CFA)The from address of your campaign is the email address a recipient sees in their inbox when they receive your email.
Understanding email authenticationMailbox providers use several types of email authentication to verify the legitimacy of the emails they receive.
Set up your BIMI logoHow to enable Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) in your account.
Improve engagement and inbox placementDevelop a holistic strategy to maintain a good sender reputation and boost your engagement and deliverability.
Why email engagement might dropIf you're experiencing a decrease in open or click-through rates, it could be down to various factors.
Why your email might land in spamSpam is considered unwanted mail, and if your emails land in the spam folder, it's likely due to a poor sender reputation.
Create a seed list to monitor sending activityA seed list is a list of email addresses that are automatically sent a copy of every campaign sent to 2000 contacts or more.
Create a custom from addressSet up a branded email sending address to help improve open rates and engagement, and encourage brand recognition.
How to reduce spam complaint ratesDiscover effective strategies to reduce spam complaints, improve your email deliverability, and maintain a healthy sender reputation.
Set up Google Postmaster ToolsVerify your account with Google Postmaster Tools and start using its tools, reports, and data.
How to enhance single opt-in securityLearn how to securely grow your email list if you choose to use single opt-in while mitigating risks and maintaining deliverability.
Personalising your emails and pagesOur personalisation tools allow you to fine tune the content of your campaigns and pages to create highly relevant, customised content.
Grouping campaigns together using tagsAdding a tag, or tags, to your campaigns allows you to filter your campaigns in reports and listings.
Why you can't recall a campaign after sending
Adding campaigns as feeds to a websiteIncrease the reach and availability of your campaigns.
Using link grouping to group campaign links togetherEnable easier filtering and grouping for your link click reporting and link click segmentation.
Use background images in emailEverything you need to know about using, or not using, background images in your emails.
Working with GmailGmail has some particular behaviours that it can be helpful for you to know about when working on your email campaigns.
Email accessibilityCreate email campaigns that are accessible for everyone.
Rename an email campaignIf you need to rename one of your email campaigns, you can do this at any stage of the sending journey.
Change the linked URL in a sent email campaignAccidents happen, and sometimes campaigns get sent with an incorrect URL in one of the links.
Delete or recover an email campaignDe-clutter and rid yourself of old sent campaigns, or clear out drafted campaigns that never got sent.
Use the email campaign outboxThe outbox is where you can find campaigns currently sending, or scheduled campaigns waiting for their allotted time to be sent.
Add interactivity to your email campaigns with AMPAdd AMP content to make your email campaigns interactive.
Copy an email campaignYou can create a copy of any sent or unsent email campaign.
Edit the settings of a sent email campaignAfter a campaign has been sent (or while it's in the Outbox), there are a few things you can change.
Export templates and campaigns from your accountIf you need to export your email templates and campaign content you can do this by copying the source code out of each template or campaign.
Limitations of Microsoft Outlook for WindowsLimitations and unsupported features when displaying email campaigns in Microsoft Outlook.
Control the preview when sharing to FacebookControl what is displayed in a preview when sharing a campaign or page to Facebook.
Replies to your email campaignYou can have replies sent or forwarded to an email address of your choice, as well as access them in email campaign reporting.
Compatibility of building blocks in new responsive templatesOn 8 June 2016, we released an upgraded set of email templates designed to work seamlessly with all modern devices.