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Abandoned cart dashboard

Use the abandoned cart dashboard to see detailed information about your abandoned, converted, and lost carts.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 7 months ago

If you use abandoned cart functionality to power your automations, the abandoned cart dashboard shows a list of abandoned carts for your store and their reporting data.

To make your data more relevant, the abandoned cart dashboard identifies three phases of a cart's life cycle: abandoned, converted, and lost. Each life cycle phase is determined by sales data and its position against the conversion window.

The conversion window is the key to deciding which phase of the life cycle a cart is in. This customisable window of time determines how long a cart is considered abandoned before time runs out and it becomes lost.

By default, we set the conversion window as seven days.

The life cycle of an abandoned cart

There are three phases in the life cycle of an abandoned cart:



Abandoned cart

A cart where the customer added items, but did not check out. Abandoned carts must not be older than the conversion window, and we consider them as recoverable.

Lost cart

A cart where the customer added items, but did not check out. Lost carts are older than the conversion window and we consider them very unlikely to be recoverable.

Converted cart

A cart that was abandoned, but the customer returned and completed the checkout. Both abandoned carts and lost carts can become converted carts and they are not determined by the conversion window.

View the abandoned cart dashboard

To see the abandoned cart dashboard, expand the User menu and go to Settings > Commerce > Abandoned carts.

Manage the data you see

Use the dashboard controls to control the data you see. Learn to set your date range and add filters:

Set the date range

Select the date range control in the top-right and choose a start and end date for your abandoned cart data.

Add filters

You can use filters to customise your results and focus on different phases of the abandoned cart life cycle.

To set a life cycle phase filter on your abandoned cart data:

  1. On the Abandoned cart dashboard, select Filter.

  2. In the side panel, under Show data from the selected carts, select Yes or No to show or hide data for Lost carts, Converted carts, or Abandoned carts.

  3. Select Apply.

Using the dashboard

The dashboard contains two sections: the overview tiles at the top and the detailed table below.

The tiles

At the top of the Abandoned cart dashboard, there are three tiles showing reporting data for your abandoned carts. Depending on the cart stage filter you have set, different tiles are shown.



Value of potential sales

The value of all carts that have not become orders for the selected date range.

Value of converted carts

The value of all carts that were converted to orders for the selected date range.

Value of carts

The value of all carts for the selected date range.

Avg. items per cart

The average number of items in carts for the selected date range.

Avg. cart age

The average age in days of carts for the selected date range.

The table

The table lists each individual abandoned cart that matches your date range and filtering settings.

The table has four columns of data:




The email address of the customer.


The number of items left in the cart.

Cart value

The total value of the cart.

Cart created

The date the customer created the cart.

View an abandoned cart

To view details of an individual abandoned cart:

  1. Expand the User menu and go to Settings > Commerce > Abandoned carts.

  2. From the Email column of the table, select the customer's email address.

    This opens a side panel showing you the following details about the cart:

    • The email address of the customer who abandoned the cart (Created by)

    • The date the cart was created (Created, Cart created)

    • The cart value (Cart value)

    • A list of items with the quantity and price (Item, Qty, Price)

    • The total of all items in the cart (Total)

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