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Use Insight data for segmentation
Use Insight data for segmentation

Insight data segmentation allows you to create specific groups of customers called segments. Based on customers past purchases and behaviors, these segments allow you to target and engage them by sending relevant and personalized marketing content.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 2 months ago

Understand your Insight data

Good email marketing relies on sending relevant content to your contacts. The better you use your data, the more effective your marketing.

For example, you’re a books, film, and music retailer. If there are customers who regularly spend a lot on DVDs, then you would like to let them know about the latest DVD releases. If there are customers who have only made a handful of book purchases some time ago, you might want to re-engage these customers by letting them know about your upcoming special offer on books.

Create an Insight data segment

You can create an Insight data segment similarly to normal segments, with the primary difference being the data used.

If you’re new to data segmentation, check out our Segmentation section.

  1. Go to Audience > Segments.

  2. Select NEW SEGMENT and select a template according to your needs.

  3. Enter a Segment name, choose a Location folder, and select Continue.


  4. Expand the Data section in the left-side column and drag an Insight data block onto the canvas.


  5. To open the segmentation editing window, select the Insight data you dragged to the canvas.


If you’re familiar with using segmentation, Insight data allows you to construct your segment rules in the usual way with the difference that the rule consists of two parts – a contact filter and an optional record filter.

  • Contact filter selects the contacts that meet the conditions of your rule, for example, number of purchases.

  • Optional record filter includes records related to those contacts, for example, purchase dates.

The contact filter requires you to choose whether your rule is a Number of, Total of, or Average of statement.


For example, if you have the values 1, 3, and 6 in three records, then:

  • The number of (Number of) is 3 because you have three records; think of it as how many.

  • The total of (Total of) the values is the sum of all values and is 10 because, for this example, 1+3+6=10; think of it as combined value. Total of takes all records for one field and adds up the values; it doesn't add up values across multiple fields for the same record.

  • The average of (Average of) the values is the average of all values and is 3.33... because, for this example, the average of 1, 3, and 6 (1+3+6)÷3=3.33.…

Choosing the options changes the statement accordingly.

Example - Re-engage your customers - Number of

You you’re a books, film, and music retailer and have a few customers who have purchased DVDs. You want to discover who has made more than one purchase from your online store but has not made a purchase in the last three months, so you can target them for re-engagement.

  1. Create the rule and set your contact filter as The number of records is more than 1. Use the Number of option, and then select is more than from the comparison operator selection box.

    You can use the following comparison operators:

    • is equal to

    • is not equal to

    • is more than

    • is less than

    • is greater than or equal to

    • is less than or equal to

    • starts with

    • is between

  2. Select 1 from the numerical stepper.

    To select a range use the Between option as a comparison operator.

  3. Create the rule in the record filters selector. You want to create your rule by selecting the record data field of PurchaseDate followed by selecting the comparison operators occurs, before, the date and then set the date back by 3 months. Selecting the data value box, in this case, produces the date picker to choose your date.

    • To build complex queries, you can increase the number of record filters your segment uses.

    • To delete any of these record filters at any point select the red cross next to the filter on the far right.

    • To cancel a selected record filter and choose a different one select the cross next to it in the Insight data field selector box.

  4. For the purposes of this example, your Insight data rule is now set. Select OK to exit the segmentation editing window and view your rule as a sentence.

  5. Select Save. The platform will generate a segment count for you whilst saving. Your Insight data segment has been created and is listed with all of your other segments under Segments.

Create a segment of contacts who have no records for a given Insight data.

If you create a contact filter inclusion rule that states The number of records is less than 1, the platform doesn’t return any contacts because the query logic can't recognize contacts without any records in a collection.

To get contacts, you need to create a contact filter exclusion rule that states The number of records is greater than or equal to 1 to be left with contacts without any records.

View contacts in your Insight data segment

  1. Select View to see the contacts in your Insight data segment.

  2. To view a contact Insight data, select a contact and then select the Insight data tab on the Single customer view.

    If you have more than one Insight data, select the relevant one from the drop-down at the top of the page, and select a particular purchase from the list to open its details on the right.

Insight segmentation capabilities

The insight segmentation editing tool gives you plenty of flexibility to make complex, powerful rules to increase the accuracy of your campaign targeting.

The example demonstrated selecting Number of for the contact filter but you can also select Total of. The contact filter statement changes as shown below.


You can select the Insight data field from the drop-down. To cancel the choice select the red cross next to it.

You can use the following comparison operators:

  • is equal to

  • is not equal to

  • is more than

  • is less than

  • is greater than or equal to

  • is less than or equal to

  • starts with

  • is between.

When using record filters, the comparison operators change depending on Insight data field you selected, and thus the value input box depending on the data value type of the data field.

For example, if you select product ID Insight data field and it has a text value type, then the comparison operators become is equal to, is not equal to, starts with or is one of, with a value input box that must have text typed into it.


If the insight field is TotalIncVat which has a number value type, then the comparison operators extend to a following choice whilst the value input box and numerical stepper require a number entry:

  • is equal to

  • is not equal to

  • is more than

  • is less than

  • is greater than or equal to

  • is less than or equal to

  • is one of

  • is between.

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