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SMS to Email

Handle your responses to contacts more efficiently.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 3 weeks ago

This integration lets you forward incoming SMS messages from a long number, short code, or shared short code and keyword to one or more email contacts.

Before you start

Things you need to know:

1. Find the integration

  1. Go to Connect > Integrations.

  2. In the left menu, under SHOW, select Self-serve.

  3. Find SMS to Email, then select +ADD.

  4. Select INSTALL.

2. Manage your SMS to Email settings

  1. Expand the Forward SMS drop-down menu, and choose to forward either All or Specific numbers or short codes. Select Next.

  2. If you chose Specific in Step 1, under Numbers to forward select the specific numbers, short codes, or keywords you want to forward inbound messages for to email.

  3. In the Email addresses field, enter the email addresses you want the SMS message forwarded to, then select Next.

    Separate each email address with a semicolon ;.

  4. Expand the Custom subject line drop-down menu and select Yes if you want to use a specific subject line for your emails. Enter the subject line for your emails in the Subject line field. If you want to use an automated subject line, select No.

  5. Select Next.

    The automated subject line shows as SMS forwarded from ###. ### is the number the SMS was sent from.

  6. For From email address, enter the registered domain email address you want to send from.

    Leave the field blank to use your default transactional email from address.

  7. For Description, enter a description to make the SMS to Email integration recognisable.

  8. Select Next to finalise the setup process.

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