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Change your password

Update your password through your user profile.

Laura Russell avatar
Written by Laura Russell
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Change your password

  1. Expand the User menu and select Your profile.

  2. For Password, select CHANGE.

  3. Enter your old password, and then enter a new password into the New password and Confirm password fields, making sure they match exactly.
    Your new password must meet the requirements that are specified at the top of the panel.

  4. Select SAVE.

Forgotten password

If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it:

  1. Go to the login screen.

  2. Select the Forgotten password? link under the Log in button.

  3. Enter the email address that you use to log in with, then select CONTINUE.
    This sends a password reset email to the address you entered.

  4. Go to your email inbox and select the password reset link in the new password request email.
    If you don't see the email in your inbox, check your junk folder.

  5. Enter your email address again and enter a new password, followed by confirming that password.

  6. Select Update, and then login using your new password.

Not receiving the password reset email

If you're trying to reset your password, but aren't receiving the email with the reset link, the most likely reason is that the email is being blocked or delayed by your organisation's email security filters.

Ask your IT team to safelist the sender address, then, once this is done, trigger another reset email.

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