You can quickly connect your Dotdigital and Magento 2 accounts with a Dotdigital API user. This process automatically syncs your data between Dotdigital and Magento.
After installation, the integration:
Creates, syncs, and maps data fields to Dotdigital.
Creates lists in Dotdigital for your Customers, Subscribers, and Guests. Lists are named using your store name as a prefix, for example, [Store name] - Customers.
Turns on sync for customers, guests, subscribers, orders, and your catalog.
Syncs some starter ecommerce data to Dotdigital using orders and product data in your Magento 2 store.
This gives you instant access to our commerce intelligence tools.
After your starter data has synced, the rest of your data continues to sync in the background. The amount of time this takes depends on how much data you need to sync across.
Checks the Dotdigital cron jobs are running correctly.
Before you start
Things you need to know:
Our Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) integration has an initial onboarding charge for setup assistance, and a monthly license fee to ensure ongoing support and development. To learn more, contact your Customer Success Manager.
The Dotdigital Marketing Automation extension must be installed.
You must be a Dotdigital account owner or a managed user with the Can manage account permission enabled.
Learn more
Watch the video
Some information in this video has changed. We are working on updating the video, but in the meantime, use the article for accurate navigation details.
1. Create an API user
You need to create an API user in your Dotdigital account. You can then use this API user to set up the connection to Magento 2.
To create an API user:
In Dotdigital, expand the User menu in the bottom left and go to Settings > Access > API users.
Select NEW USER.
The API username (email address) is automatically generated for you and must not be edited.
Enter a description for your API user.
Enter and confirm your password. The password must be a minimum of eight characters and include one or more digits or non-alphanumeric characters.
For Status, select Enabled
Select SAVE.
2. Set up Magento 2 to Dotdigital connection
Enter your API user details to create the connection between your Magento 2 store and Dotdigital.
To set up a connection:
In Magento 2, go to Stores > Configuration.
Expand the DOTDIGITAL side menu, then select Accounts.
Under Settings, expand the Enabled drop-down menu, then select Yes.
For API Username, enter the Dotdigital API username created in Step 1.
For API Password, enter the password for your Dotdigital API user.
Select Save config.
Select Set Up Integration.
Once saved, you can see the connection banner which tells you the status of your connection.