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Manage email campaigns in Dotdigital for Salesforce
Manage email campaigns in Dotdigital for Salesforce

Learn about email campaigns in Dotdigital for Salesforce and the administrative tasks that you perform for them.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a week ago

The Email Campaigns tab displays a list of email campaigns that are available in Salesforce having been synced from Dotdigital. You can see some overview information about each campaign, and edit or delete an email campaign from this tab.


Selecting a particular email campaign name takes you to the Email Campaign page, which provides more detailed information about the campaign on the Details and Related tabs. You can also access some further campaign actions using the buttons on the Email Campaign page. All of this information is explained in more detail below.

Campaigns not displayed in Salesforce

If an email campaign or campaigns is not appearing on the Salesforce Email Campaigns tab, then you need to synchronise Dotdigital with Salesforce. To do this:

  1. Go to Configuration.

  2. Expand the Settings drop-down menu and select Sync Options.

  3. On the Synchronisation Schedule tab, select the Sync Now checkbox for Campaign, and then select Synchronise Now.

Edit an email campaign

Editing an email campaign from the Email campaigns tab refers to editing the Data Options for the campaign. This is used to determine what behavioural data is synchronised into Salesforce for an email campaign.

Email campaigns must be created and their design or content edited in Dotdigital. If you have linked your Dotdigital and Salesforce users for automatic sign-in, then you can do this through the Dotdigital tab in Salesforce.

To edit an email campaign’s behavioural data options:

  1. Expand the Show more actions drop-down menu to the far right of an email campaign name.


  2. Select Edit.

  3. Select or clear the checkboxes to set whether or not to sync each data option.


  4. Select Save.

When Sync Campaign is selected, the next synchronisation of the email campaign retrieves and updates any existing behavioural data according to the additional data options you have set.

Data option


Sync Sends

The number of contacts that have been sent the email campaign.

Sync ROI

The purchase data for contacts who made a purchase from your website after clicking through from the email campaign.

Sync Page Views

The website pages contacts visit after clicking a link in your campaign.

Sync Clicks

The number of unique contacts who have clicked a link in the email campaign.

Sync Bookmarks

The contacts that shared the email campaign on social media, and which networks your campaign was viewed on.

Allow Campaign Membership Update

Allows the updating of any linked campaigns' membership statuses when certain criteria are met. When you select this option, you see the following message:

Important Note
You have activated ‘Allow Campaign Membership Update’ for this Email Campaign.

This will update the campaign membership status of Contacts or Leads within any Salesforce campaign that has been linked to this Email Campaign.

By default the required status values will be created automatically within each of your linked Salesforce campaigns, so no manual intervention is required.

To change this default behaviour or change the default status values please do so from within the global settings area.

Delete an email campaign

You can delete an email campaign from the Email Campaigns tab.

Before you start

Things you need to know:

  • Deleting email campaigns is restricted by a Salesforce permission and can't usually be done by a standard user.

If you have the required permission and want to delete an email campaign:

  1. Expand the Show more actions drop-down menu to the far right of an email campaign name.

  2. Select Delete.

  3. In the window that opens, select Delete again to confirm.
    This action removes the email campaign and all associated behavioural data from Salesforce. However, if the email campaign has not also been deleted from Dotdigital, then at the next synchronisation the campaign and data is recreated in Salesforce. To permanently delete a campaign, you must also delete it in Dotdigital.

Email campaign details

To view more detailed information about a specific email campaign, select the campaign name from the Email Campaigns tab.


By default, the Details tab is displayed. This tab contains the following sections:




Displays Email campaign name, subject line, status, date sent, whether the campaign was sent as a split test, Dotdigital account and From name.

Email Campaign Statistics

High level percentage statistics about delivery of and interaction with the email campaign.

Email Campaign Counts

Delivery and behavioural data shown as contact counts.

Data Options

Enabled options for behavioural data synchronisation. Includes time/date of last activity of any Email Send Summary and other behavioural data metrics.

System Information

Owner information, account and campaign ID and created and modified dates for the email campaign.

The Related tab displays data for any of the email campaign behavioural data you have chosen to sync.

Data option


Email Sends

Shows records for each send directly from Salesforce. The status automatically updates as the send progresses.

Email Send Summaries

Shows each recipient of the email campaign displaying the date the email campaign was last sent. Select the email address to see a more detailed report. If the email address is matched to a Salesforce Contact or Lead then the name is displayed as a link to the relevant record.

Email Clicks

Shows each recipient who has clicked on a link within the email campaign. Select the email address to see a more detailed report.

Email Page Views*

Shows page visit data for recipients of the email campaign.

Email ROI*

Displays revenue attributed to the email campaign.

Email Social Bookmarks

Displays social share information for the email campaign.

Campaign to Email Campaign Link

Displays any Salesforce Campaigns that have been directly linked to the email campaign. Linking can be applied directly from the Salesforce Campaign page, or automatically when the >Campaign Members status update feature has been enabled.

*For Email Page Views and Email ROI data to be collected, the relevant tracking scripts must be applied to your site.

Learn more in Site and ROI tracking.

Email campaign action buttons

When you select the name of an email campaign from the Email campaigns tab, you see five action buttons on the Email Campaign page:

  • Preview

  • Dashboard

  • Advanced

  • Send Campaign Wizard

  • Synchronise


Preview an email campaign

To open a preview of an email campaign in a popover window, select Preview. This displays the campaign as it should appear to recipients.

To close the preview, select the X icon in the top right.

Email campaign dashboard

To see a visual representation of campaign performance and delivery data, select Dashboard.

The email campaign dashboard opens in a popover window and consists of three tabs:

  • Overall performance

  • Delivery summary

  • Undeliverable summary

The Overall performance tab displays a chart of the following nine metrics expressed as percentages:

  • Percentage Delivered

  • Percentage Unique Opens

  • Percentage Opens

  • Percentage Unsubscribes

  • Percentage Replies

  • Percentage Hard Bounces

  • Percentage Soft Bounces

  • Percentage User Clicked

  • Percentage Clicks To Open


The Delivery summary tab displays a chart of the following ten metrics:

  • Total Opens

  • Unique Opens

  • Total Replies

  • Total Page View

  • Total Est. Forwards (deprecated)

  • Total Soft Bounces

  • Total Hard Bounces

  • Total Blocked

  • Total Unsubscribes

  • Total Complaints


The Undeliverable summary tab displays a pie chart of undeliverable emails split by reason, for example, soft bounced and hard bounced. The percentages are calculated based on the total number for each reason compared to the total number of undeliverable emails.


Advanced email campaign settings

To clear email campaign behavioural data, select Advanced. In most cases, this would be done to free up storage space in your Salesforce instance.


Sends is used to remove Email Sends Summaries records. This usually clears the largest amount of data space.

Clicks is used to remove click behavioural data - sometimes this data is not removed as this indicates that a contact has engaged with the email campaign.

It’s less common for a campaign to have Bookmarks, Page views and ROI data, so these are the least helpful to remove in terms of storage space.

Any deleted data also needs to be removed from the Salesforce Recycle Bin before the Salesforce storage is reduced.

To start the deletion process, select the checkbox for the metrics you want to delete and then select Clear Email Campaign Data.

As long as the campaign is not also deleted in Dotdigital, then the behavioural data can be re-synced using the Edit option.

Use the Send Campaign Wizard

The Send Campaign Wizard allows you to send an email campaign to one or more linked Email Address Books.

Synchronise email campaigns

To trigger a manual sync of the email campaign and the behavioural data you have set, select Synchronise. You see a message to confirm that the synchronisation request has been queued.

To find the sync settings for scheduled campaign syncs go to Configuration > Settings > Sync options > Synchronisation Schedule.

If you want to check the last time an email campaign was synchronised, go to the Email Campaigns tab.

The Synchronised column displays the most recent synchronisation for each email campaign.

It’s possible to edit the synchronisation options for your existing email campaigns to customise which data is synced.

Learn more in the section Data Options.

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