What's new
We’ve added the email_coupon_attribute table to the list of tables to drop in the module’s Uninstall class.
Bug fixes
The value synced in the store name column in guest sync is now the store view name instead of the website name. We now sync website name, store name, and store view name in guest sync - all with the correct values.
We fixed a problem that prevented contacts subscribing to multiple stores in the same subscriber sync.
We added an array check before looping over order status automations after an order is saved.
We adjusted the module's dependency on Magento/module-authorization; this fixes composer upgrades for merchants on Magento 2.4.
We added try/catch to methods in the Serialized backend model. This swallows exceptions thrown by unreadable data stored for any field in our configuration that stores data in JSON format.
We made a small change to improve our error handling when retrieving lists of programs from Engagement Cloud.