What's new
We’ve updated our SMS API endpoints and user permissions so that they work more efficiently.
In the Program reports area, you can now get to the program canvas by selecting a program name.
We added a timezone selector to the Chat settings area; this helps to determine your out of hours settings for your team.
Commerce flow
If you’re a Shopify user and use the Coupon code block, you can now add more than 24 collections or enter more than 100 characters in the Eligible collections (IDs) box.
As a BigCommerce merchant, you can now personalise your transactional email subject lines by using variables. For example, @FIRSTNAME@, @LASTNAME@, and @ORDER_ID@.
In BigCommerce, you can now use variables to give your contacts’ shipping details through transactional emails.
You can now access an Analytics area when you build product recommendations and change their settings by selecting the Settings cog icon; this area contains UTM parameters.
We updated our abandoned cart data schema to better inform you whenever your abandoned cart data doesn’t match.
Microsoft Dynamics
Marketing preference sync is available for all Microsoft Dynamics versions, prior to Microsoft Dynamics 365. However, this doesn’t apply to the 2011 version.
Bug fixes and other improvements
Plus, we've made over 60 other bug fixes and improvements!