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Abandoned cart: Getting started - Magento 1

Send abandoned cart emails to both your customers and guests of your website.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a year ago

Shopify connector user, or Dotdigital platform-only user?

If so, abandoned cart functionality is configured and implemented differently - and the information below does not apply. Instead read the Shopify connector or platform-only (abandoned carts module) articles.

Each type of site visitor can receive three different abaondoned cart emails scheduled for different times, each with different email content. Using Dotdigital's external dynamic content function, you have the ability to include the contents of their cart within the emails you send.

Every five minutes, the connector analyses quotes in the core Magento quotes table. In this table, your visitor's last modified date is within the time settings you have set and contains an email address or one associated to a registered customer.

This functionality does not work if you are not using the default Magento quote functionality.

We allow you to set up to three emails to be triggered when a cart is abandoned, and you are also allowed to set up different emails for customers and guests. In addition to this, you can configure different settings per website.

​Enable abandoned cart emails

  1. Create the campaigns you want to send as abandoned cart emails within your Dotdigital account.
    To find the external dynamic content URL for abandoned carts, go to System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Dynamic content.

  2. In System > Configuration > Dotdigital > Abandoned Carts, select whether you are setting these up for Customers or Guests.

  3. Enable the amount of abandoned cart emails you require, set the time delay for the sending of the emails after the cart is abandoned, and then select the relevant campaign you created in step 1 from the Campaign To Send dropdown list.

  4. Select Save Config.

Adjust the abandoned carts email limit

You can adjust the number of abandoned cart emails that a contact is sent by going to System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Configuration.

From here, you can restrict the sending of an abandoned cart email to a contact if they've already received a previous one within a set amount of hours. This avoids overloading contacts' inboxes if they do tend to have a habit of regularly abandoning their carts. Select from options between 1 to 240 hours and select Save Config to confirm.

Send abandoned cart emails only to newsletter subscribers

Sending abandoned cart emails to subscribers only is supported by Dotdigital for Magento v6.4.1 and above.

You can restrict abandoned cart emails so that they are sent only to newsletter subscribers by going to System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Configuration.

To send abandoned cart emails only to newsletter subscribers, select No in the Allow abandoned cart for non-subscribed contacts drop-down menu.

I've enabled abandoned carts, but I don't receive anything. Why is this?

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