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Integrate Dotdigital with Magnolia

Add scripts to your Magnolia site to power a range of Dotdigital features.

Laura Russell avatar
Written by Laura Russell
Updated over a year ago

There are a number of Dotdigital scripts you can add to your site through your Content Management System (CMS), which allow you to collect and transfer data, and trigger certain actions, across both systems.

Learn more about the available scripts in Integrate Dotdigital with your CMS.

Add scripts to your Magnolia site

You can add scripts or code snippets to your Magnolia site using their Marketing Tags app.

Magnolia Marketing Tags are snippets of code that you insert into web pages to collect analytics or integrate third-party content. You can add Marketing Tags to specific pages, to all pages in a site branch, or to all pages based on a particular template.


The Magnolia Marketing Tags app is installed by the Marketing Tags module, and configured in /modules/marketing-tags. The app operates on the marketing-tags workspace where code snippets and their details are stored.

The Marketing Tags module registers a custom mgnl:marketing-tag node type. The Marketing Tags app operates on nodes of this type.

You can insert Marketing Tags into three page areas:

Page area



Marketing tags are placed immediately after the opening <body> tag.


Marketing tags are placed immediately before the closing <body> tag.


Marketing tags are placed inside the <head>...</head> tags.

Access the app

  1. In Magnolia, select the app launcher icon in the Find Bar.

  2. Under Tools, select Marketing Tags.

  3. Select Add tag in the right hand side panel.

Set tag properties

On the tag properties tab you can enter a name for the tag and select where in the page HTML it should be inserted.

You can also optionally set a dashboard URL for viewing information collected by the tag.

Tag content

This is your JavaScript code.

  1. Paste your script or code snippet into the Tag code field.

  2. Select save changes.

Choose pages

Select the pages that you want the script to be inserted on.

  • Select Add page to choose an individual page.

  • Select the Insert in subpages checkbox to insert the tag on all pages in a site branch.

  • Expand the Template drop-down menu and select a template to apply the tag to all pages based on that template.

Select save changes when you’re happy with the configuration.

Once you’ve added the scripts you want, publish your changes.

For further information or assistance on working with Magnolia, see the Magnolia support documentation or contact their Support team.

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