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Integrate Dotdigital with Wix

Add scripts to your Wix site to power a range of Dotdigital features.

Laura Russell avatar
Written by Laura Russell
Updated over a year ago

There are a number of Dotdigital scripts you can add to your site through your Content Management System (CMS), which allow you to collect and transfer data, and trigger certain actions, across both systems.

Learn more about the available scripts in Integrate Dotdigital with your CMS.

Add scripts to your Wix site

Wix enables you to add code snippets or scripts to the <head> or <body> tags of your site pages. You can choose to include this code on all pages of your site, or only on specific pages.

Before you start

Your Wix site must be published and have a connected domain.

Learn more in Wix’s documentation:

Code snippets that you add to your site are associated with a specific domain. If you assign a new domain to your site, the code snippets are deleted.

To do this:

  1. From your Wix site dashboard, select Settings.

  2. Under Advanced, select the Custom Code tab.

  3. Select + Add Custom Code.

  4. Enter your code snippet or script into the field, and enter a name for this code, to enable you to recognise it in future.

  5. Under Add Code to Pages, select either:

    • All pages
      Adds code to all pages of your site, including new pages that you create in future. Choose whether to load the code only once per visit, or on each new page open for a visitor.

    • Choose specific pages
      Expand the drop-down menu and select which pages you want to add the code to.

  6. Under Place Code in, select from:

    • Head

    • Body - start

    • Body - end

  7. Select Apply.

For further information or assistance on working with Wix, see the Wix support documentation or contact their Support team.

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