This integration process is complex and recommended for users with experience in NetSuite and Dotdigital. Ensure you have the necessary expertise before proceeding.
1. NetSuite overview
To get started, read the following documents to understand how NetSuite integrates with Dotdigital:
Learn about the NetSuite ERP integration and how data synchronisation works.
Understand the specific behaviours for each data type that NetSuite syncs.
2. Install Dotdigital app in NetSuite
Enable the necessary APIs and install the Dotdigital SuiteApp to ensure effective communication between Dotdigital and your NetSuite account.
Enable APIs
Activate REST Web Services and Token-based Authentication in NetSuite.
Install the Dotdigital app in NetSuite
Install the Dotdigital SuiteApp, which configures necessary settings automatically.
Assign user roles
Assign the Dotdigital integration role to a NetSuite user to ensure they have the required permissions.
Generate access token
Create an access token for the user with the Dotdigital Integration role to enable API access.
3. Install NetSuite integration in Dotdigital
Configure the NetSuite integration within Dotdigital to enable data flow between the two systems.
Install NetSuite
Install or access the NetSuite integration in Dotdigital and configure the settings.
Connect to NetSuite
Enter your NetSuite account details and authentication information to establish a connection.
4. Configure sync settings
Set up synchronisation settings to ensure accurate data transfer between NetSuite and Dotdigital.
Choose your subsidiary to sync data for
Configure the integration to access data for all or a specific subsidiary.
Set up the time and date format
Configure format for time and dates to allow the integration accurately detect changes.
Set up multiple match handling
Set up to handle duplicate emails in NetSuite integration behaviour.
Set up default country for phone numbers
Ensure phone numbers are in international format.
5. Sync data
Initiate the data synchronisation process to ensure both systems are up-to-date.
Sync opt in/out status
Choose whether to sync opt-in and opt-out status and how this data is stored in NetSuite.
Hold opt-in and opt-out status in a field
Sync contacts
Sync contact data, including field mapping and data alignment.
Sync customer data
Set default statuses for each contact entity type and a default category for customer records.
Sync products
Configure how items sync from NetSuite to Dotdigital as a product catalog.
Sync orders
Sync order data between NetSuite and Dotdigital.
6. Verify your integration
Verify that data syncs correctly between NetSuite and Dotdigital. Perform the recommended checks:
Product data
Orders data
Customer and contact data
Opt-in and opt-out settings
Manual NetSuite configuration
Configure NetSuite manually to allow use of the Dotdigital integration.
Delete integration
Delete different types of data from your NetSuite to Dotdigital integration.