View the campaign summary
Go to Campaigns > Email, and select the Unsent tab.
Select the Summary icon.
Using the Summary page
The Summary page displays your campaign details, HTML size, word count, image quantity, and links within both the HTML and plain text versions of your campaign. It also provides details about your testing.
You can hover over the tooltip icons for helpful best practice advice relating to each of the campaign areas. Amber warning icons indicate where you might be able to devote some extra attention to your campaign, to ensure it's send-ready.
Select EDIT or VIEW/EDIT next to the section you want to change.
HTML size
If the HTML size of your campaign is too large, Gmail clips your campaign in the inbox. This means an extra step for your recipients to view your full campaign. You can take steps to reduce the HTML size of your campaign to prevent this.
Learn more in Working with Gmail.
The link manager summary is an automated way to check your campaign links and advise if a link is valid or not. When the platform validates links it checks the URL used in the campaign and is expecting to receive a status code returned from the site to show that the link works.
Sometimes, although a link is valid, we can't validate it because the server takes too long to return its status. Additionally, some sites (for example LinkedIn) do not allow link validation, so always show as unvalidated.
For any hyperlinks that aren't validated, send yourself a test send of your campaign and check that those links work as expected. If they do, then in these cases the link has been validated by the user (you!), rather than the automated system.
Learn more in Test your campaign.