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About read-only programs

View, copy, or delete your read-only programs.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a month ago

A read-only program is one that was previously active and had enrolled contacts, was then deleted, but has subsequently been restored.

It cannot be reactivated or edited due to reasons such as deleted contact data fields or deleted campaigns. However, it can be viewed, copied, and deleted.


  1. Go to Automation > Programs.

  2. Select the program you want to view.

Copy a program

1. In the same account

  1. Go to Automation > Programs.

  2. Select the checkbox for the program you want to copy.
    You can only copy one program at a time within the same account.

  3. Expand the MORE ACTIONS drop-down menu and select Copy program.

  4. Enter a name for the copy of the program, and expand the Program location drop-down menu to select a folder to store the copy in.

  5. Select CONTINUE.

You are taken to the program builder and can then make any edits to the copied program that you want. If you want to make edits at a later time, you can just navigate to any other area of the platform.

2. To other accounts

Before you start

  • To copy content between accounts:

    • The owner email of the account you’re copying from must have access to the account you’re copying to.

    • You must copy content from within the originating account, so your user profile must have access to the account you want to copy from.
      Learn more in the section User access to accounts.

  • When you copy a program to a different account, we copy the program structure. You must then edit the copied program to add in the campaigns, data fields, and other account-specific details you need. You won’t be able to save or activate the program until you have made these changes.

  1. Go to Automation > Programs.

  2. Select the checkbox for the programs you want to copy.
    You can copy multiple programs at a time to other accounts.

  3. Expand the MORE ACTIONS drop-down menu and select Copy programs to other accounts.

  4. In the Select accounts side panel, select the accounts you want to copy to, then select APPLY.

An editable draft version of a copied program is created in the All programs folder of the chosen accounts.


  1. Go to Automation > Programs.

  2. Select Delete for the program you want to delete.

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