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AccountInsight allows you to store data against your account rather than against individual contacts.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 7 months ago

AccountInsight data can be used with Liquid to display and make logical decisions in content based upon product catalogue data, store information, hotels/resorts, activities, events, news/blogs, and so on.

AccountInsight also powers some Product recommendations.

Using AccountInsight with Liquid

AccountInsight allows for extremely powerful possibilities when personalising content in campaigns and landing pages.

For example, based on your contacts and customers' previous purchases and preferences, you can:

  • feature only relevant products from your catalogue.

  • focus upon the promotion of events or activities of special interest.

  • incorporate applicable news and blogs as content.

How does AccountInsight data get added?

AccountInsight is added through our API's REST transactional data methods/operations. This can be done automatically through a number of our integrations.

A contact identifier (email address, mobile number or contact ID) is usually submitted with each Insight data document uploaded. If the identifier used is 'account' rather than a contact-related identifier, then the record is stored as account-scoped Insight data (AccountInsight data).

Where can I view my AccountInsight data?

Go to Connect > Account insight data.

The Insight data page contains all of the AccountInsight data collections you've imported. Select a collection name to open it.

You can select the Details icon to view an individual record.


In this example, the records are holiday resorts stored against the account. This record, for example, contains the name of the resort, the country where the resort is, the star rating for it, the category it is, an image of the resort, a short description of it, the price the resort starts from, and a direct link to the resort's webpage.

You can use Liquid to leverage this AccountInsight data to logically select resorts in campaign and landing page content, based upon your contact's preferences.

For instance, using the order data that you store in Insight data, plus Web Behaviour Tracking data, as well as other contact data fields, you can suggest Playa del Fun and other resorts like it based on the fact that your contact has bought a family beach holiday before, or that their browsing history of your website indicates they spend most of their time looking at 3 star resorts, or they've filled in a survey stating a preference for resorts falling into the 350-500 price range.

For instance, you can suggest Playa del Fun and other resorts like it based on the fact that:

Product recommendations

Using the product recommendations feature also generates AccountInsight.

To view these collections, go to Connect > Commerce data > Product recommendations insight data.

Activate AccountInsight on my account

Just contact us and we'll be happy to assist you with the purchasing and activation process.

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