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Email reports table

Learn how to view and use the email reports table.

Laura Russell avatar
Written by Laura Russell
Updated over a week ago

The email reports table lets you see an overview of key metrics for all of your email campaigns - standard and triggered. This allows you to know at a glance which campaigns are performing well, and where you might want to make improvements.

It’s possible to filter the email reports table by campaign tags, as well as by date - based on either send date or contact engagement. You can also choose to show data for all time, or a date range you select.

This page is in Beta, and is therefore subject to ongoing changes and improvements.

View the email reports table

  1. Go to Analytics > Reports.

  2. Select the Email reports tab.

Change the table display

You can change the visible columns in the email reports table.

To do this:

  1. Select DISPLAY to the top right of the table.

  2. In the Table display settings side panel, select the checkboxes for the columns you want to display.

  3. Select APPLY.

To order the table’s data, expand the Sort by dropdown menu and choose a sort order.

You can also select any of the table’s column headers to sort the table data by the selected metric. Select the header again to switch between ascending or descending order.

Your selected display options are linked to your user profile, so the next time you access the page, your preferences are remembered.

Filter email report data

The email reports table has a number of filtering options so you can view the exact data you need.

Date filter options

The email reports table has three date options that you can filter by:

  • a custom or pre-defined date range.

  • whether the email was sent, last sent, or has activity inside the selected date range.

  • whether to display all-time cumulative data for your selected campaigns, or to show only the data for activity that occurred within the specified date range.

    This option is particularly helpful if you want to view activity for a triggered campaign from a specific time period.

To filter the email reports data by date:

  1. Select FILTER in the top right of the table.

  2. In the Filters side panel, select either:

    1. Pre-defined date range
      Expand the Date range drop-down menu and select a date range.

    2. Custom date range.
      Use the date picker to set a Start date and End date.

  3. Expand the Show only drop-down menu and select either:

    • Emails last sent in date range
      Displays only email campaigns where the Last date sent falls in the date range you have selected.

    • Emails sent in date range
      Displays only email campaigns which have any sends during the date range you have selected.

    • Emails with activity in date range
      Displays only email campaigns where there is activity within the date range you selected.
      Activity includes any of the metrics it’s possible to view in the table. To see the list of these metrics, select DISPLAY.

  4. Expand the Show data drop-down menu and select either:

    • For all time
      Shows the cumulative data for all email campaign activity from the first send of that campaign.

    • For date range
      Shows only the data for activity that falls inside the date range you have selected.

  5. Select APPLY.

Filter by campaign type

You can filter the report to show campaigns of a certain type, standard or triggered. Or you can show all campaign types.

To apply a campaign type filter:

  1. Select FILTER to the top right of the table.

  2. In the Filters side panel, expand the Campaign type drop-down menu and choose the campaign type to filter by:

    1. Standard

    2. Triggered

    3. All Campaigns

  3. Select APPLY.

Filter by tag

You can apply a filter based on campaign tags. This allows you to view data for a subset of your email campaigns, for example, those including a specific offer, or campaigns sent by a particular program.

Learn more about campaign tags in Group campaigns together using tags.

To apply a campaign tag filter:

  1. Select FILTER to the top right of the table.

  2. In the Filters side panel, select SELECT TAGS.

  3. Select the checkboxes for the tags you want to include in your filter.

  4. Select APPLY.

You can combine tag filtering and date filtering to produce a table containing the specific data set you want to see. Any filters you apply also apply to exports of the email reports table.

Export email report data

You can export a .csv file containing the data from the email reports table. You can choose the way you want the exported data to display in the file:

  • Totals for all time / Totals for date range

    Displays the data for all time or the selected date range as a total.

  • Daily breakdown for date range

    Displays a breakdown of data from individual days within the selected date range.

The Daily breakdown export option is only available if the Show data option is set to For date range in the filter menu.

See Date filter options to learn how to set the date range.

To do export the email report data:

  1. Expand the EXPORT drop-down menu and choose an export option:

    1. Totals for date range / Totals for all time

    2. Daily breakdown for date range

  2. You’re taken to the Exports page. Select Download to access your file.

If you don’t want to export the file at the current time, you can do so at any point in the 30 days from the date of export. To do this:

  1. Expand the User menu and select Settings.

  2. Go to General > Exports.

  3. Find the file you want and select Download.

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