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Email campaign reporting in Dotdigital for Salesforce
Email campaign reporting in Dotdigital for Salesforce

Learn how to access and use the email campaign reports and dashboard.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a week ago

The Dotdigital for Salesforce connector enables you to access 12 reports related to your email campaign and contacts, as well as an overview dashboard made up of eight tiles displaying high-level statistics for your email campaigns sent through Salesforce.

Email campaign reports

To access your Dotdigital reports in Salesforce:

  1. Go to Reports.


  2. From the left side menu, under FOLDERS, select All Folders.

  3. Select Email Campaign Reports.

  4. To view a specific report, select the report name.

The available reports are:

Report name


All Email Campaigns

All email campaigns from within a selected date range with overview statistics such as Total Delivered, Unique Opens, Clicks, Total Soft Bounces.

All Email Clicks

Details of any contact or lead who has clicked a link in an email campaign along with the date, link keyword and URL and IP address.

Email Campaign Clickers

Displays a table showing email campaigns alongside the email addresses of contacts or leads who clicked a link in that campaign.

Email Campaign Timeline

Displays a chart of number of email campaign sends plotted against date.

Email Clicks

All email campaign clicks along with the Dotdigital account, email address and name of contact or lead, date, keyword, URL, and IP address.

Top 10 Email Campaigns by Opens

A table of the ten email campaigns with the highest number of unique opens.

Email Return on Investment

Displays ROI marker values and contact email addresses for email campaigns.

Most Popular Marketing Preferences

Shows synced marketing preferences with details of opted in contacts.

Social Network Shares

Displays the name of the social network, email campaign and email address of the contact who shared.

Suppressed Contacts

Displays suppression reason, Dotdigital account and email address of suppressed contacts.

Top 10 Email Campaigns by Clicks

A table of the ten email campaigns with the highest number of unique clicks.

Email Clicks By Keyword

Displays data on clicks grouped by keyword along with contact or lead details, IRL, date and IP address.

Dotdigital dashboard

To access the Dotdigital summary dashboard in Salesforce:

  1. Go to Dashboards.


  2. From the left side menu, under DASHBOARDS, select All Dashboards.

  3. Select Dotdigital Summary.


The dashboard displays tiles detailing the following metrics:

  • Top 10 Email Campaigns by Clicks

  • Most Popular Marketing Preferences

  • Return on Investment by Marker

  • Top 10 Campaigns by Unique Opens

  • Top Clicks across all Email Campaigns

  • Social Networks shared across all Email Campaigns

  • Email Campaigns by Timeline

  • Reasons for Email Suppression

At the bottom of each tile on the dashboard, there is a link to take you to the corresponding report to see a deeper drill-down into the data.

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