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Email campaign report

View the reporting for a single email campaign.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a week ago

The Email report shows you informative, real-time data about a particular campaign.

View an Email report

  1. Go to Analytics > Reports.

  2. Select the campaign you want to view the report for.

Headline tiles

At the top of the email report, there are four headline tiles that show the most relevant information in your report to give you an instant overview of your campaign's performance.

Where more information is available for a headline, a link to the full report appears when you hover over the tile.

The headline tiles show:

  • Most common email address domain.

  • Most common email client.

  • Click-to-open rate and a comparison to previous campaigns.
    The click-to-open rate is calculated as the total number of unique clicks divided by the total number of unique opens, given as a percentage. For example, imagine you sent your campaign to 100 contacts. Ten recipients opened it, and five of the ten openers clicked links. Therefore, your CTOR for that campaign is 5/10 x 100 = 50%.

  • Revenue
    The revenue generated by the campaign within the chosen date range. For campaigns with direct revenue, this is the figure that is displayed. If we have only attributed assisted revenue to the campaign, then this is the figure that is displayed.

Assisted revenue is only available if you are using Advanced revenue attribution.

Revenue report

The View full report link from the Revenue tile opens the Campaign revenue report.

This report only displays revenue directly attributed to a campaign. It does not display assisted revenue. So, if the headline tile shows only assisted revenue, the Campaign revenue report does not display any data.

Learn how revenue attribution works in Revenue attribution.

Campaign activity banners

Active email campaign banner

If contacts are still engaging and interacting with your campaign, we let you know by displaying a banner under the headline tiles.

We remove this message when the campaign becomes inactive - that's when no new opens or clicks have occurred for two days. If we detect any future activity, we display the message again, and the two-day inactivity limit restarts.

Non-human activity campaign banner

If your account has the non-human activity filter activated, a banner is displayed on the Email report to state this.

Email campaign details

Under the heading Campaign details you can see general information about your campaign.

Details include:

  • The date the campaign was last sent.

  • The subject line.

  • Any tags applied to the campaign.
    Learn more in Grouping campaigns together using tags.

  • The lists, segments, and marketing preferences the campaign was sent to.

  • Any lists, segments, or marketing preferences that were excluded from the send.

  • Excluded contacts: the number of contacts who weren’t included in the send, either because they are in a list, segment or marketing preference that was intentionally excluded, or because they are members of a list that the campaign sender didn’t have permission to send to.
    Learn more in List permissions: restrict who can send to specific contacts.

  • The From address the campaign was sent from.

  • The campaign type: standard or triggered.

  • The user who sent the campaign.


If your campaign is a ReMail, the lists in the Sent to field is preceded by Non-openers re-mailed for campaign.

Deleted lists

If you sent your campaign to a list that has since been deleted, that list in the Sent to field has a line through it, and you can't select it.

Dynamic content

An orange bolt icon means your campaign includes dynamic content. Hover over this bolt to see the dynamic content.

Delivery report

Under the heading Delivery report you can see statistics about the people receiving your campaign. The Delivered metric refers to the number of inboxes that a campaign reached.

To find out why we couldn't deliver a campaign, select Soft bounced, Hard bounced, or Skipped to view the full report for that metric.


The Engagement section includes data about campaign opens.

Hover over a tile to display a link to the full report for that metric, where there is one.

Opens map

The heat map in the Opens map section shows you the areas of the world where your email campaign was last opened.

Location attribution in the opens map

Locations plotted on the map are based on IP address. Therefore, a skewed location can occur if:

  • a contact is connected to the server through a VPN; the IP of the VPN server will be used in place of the user's physical location.

  • a dynamic IP address is assigned by the contact's ISP; two different IP addresses can be generated for the same contact over time, for example, an IP assigned to a device in London today may show as Edinburgh tomorrow.

  • a spam filter and/or security software has clicked links and/or downloaded images in your campaign to ensure content quality, thus recording the IP of the filter or software instead of the contact's IP.

  • images that are automatically displayed within a campaign are cached and served by a proxy server.


Under the heading Interaction, you can see data about campaign clicks.

Hover over a tile to display a link to the full report for that metric, where there is one.

Top links and clicks

The Top links and clicks section shows more information about the most popular links in your campaign. The Clicks metric includes the number of links clicked more than once by the same recipient.

Click reporting data is only available for tracked links. Data for non-trackable links does not display.

Non-trackable links include system links like View in browser or Unsubscribe, mailto links, and phone number links. The reason for this is that these links do not redirect a user through your sending domain, which is the mechanism used to track interaction.

Select SEE YOUR FULL LINKS REPORT to access a complete list of all link clicks for the campaign. To export this data as a .csv file, select EXPORT.

Split tests

If your campaign was a split test, the Split test results section includes details about the winning split test and the losing split test.


If your campaign was set up as a ReMail and your ReMail hasn't yet been sent, you can change the time and date that the ReMail is scheduled for.

To change the send date for the ReMail:

  1. Select the calendar icon.

  2. Choose a new date.

  3. Select the checkmark.

To change the send time for the ReMail:

  1. Select Send on.

  2. Edit the time.

  3. Select the checkmark.

The ReMail time must be in the following format: hh:mm. For example, one o'clock in the afternoon is 13:00.

After a ReMail has been sent, select REMAIL REPORT to view the report.

Other report options

In the top right of the Email report are three further menus.

Select FILTER to:

  • Filter the report by list, segment or, where applicable, split test version or dynamic content variation.


  • Print the report.

  • Compare the report to reports of other campaigns.

Select MORE REPORTS to access a list of all available drill-down reports for the email campaign.

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