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Retail dashboard

Use the retail dashboard to see valuable information about your revenue, orders, and customers.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 7 months ago

The retail dashboard is the heartbeat of your ecommerce business. It shows three reporting categories: revenue, orders, and customers.

Each reporting category is split into three separate insights:


Total revenue

Average order value (AOV)

Customer lifetime value (CLV)


Total orders

Average items per order

Average delay (days)



Single purchase customers

Repeat customers

The dashboard has nine tiles. Each tile is interactive, and you can select it for further insights.

Before you start

Things you need to know:

  • The data displayed in the dashboard is based on ALL transactional data in your account; this includes customers that are suppressed or have unsubscribed since they were first added to your account.

Find the retail dashboard

  1. Go to Analytics > Dashboards

  2. Expand the MORE DASHBOARDS drop-down menu and select Retail.

Set a date range and comparison

When selecting the date range for the dashboard, you can also select a comparison period. Comparisons show as a percentage figure on each tile of the retail dashboard. The comparison must be the same length as the focus period or longer.

To set a date range:

  1. Select DATE RANGE in the top right.

  2. Choose either:

    1. Pre-defined date range
      Expand the Date range drop-down menu and select your desired date range.

    2. Custom date range
      Use the date picker to choose your From and To dates for Date range and Comparison range.

  3. Select APPLY.

Refresh your data

Your dashboard refreshes each morning automatically. Select the Refresh icon in the top right to re-generate the dashboard data on-demand.

Add list and segment filters

Use filters to refine your results by lists or segments (including RFM personas).

To filter by list:

  1. Select FILTERS at the top right of the dashboard.

  2. Under Contact filters, select SHOWING ALL.
    If a filter has already been applied, select the current filter to change it.

  3. Select the In the selected list radio button and then SELECT LIST.

  4. Select the list you want to filter by.

  5. Select APPLY and then OK.

To filter by segment:

  1. Select FILTERS at the top right of the dashboard.

  2. Under Contact filters, select SHOWING ALL.

    If a filter has already been applied, select the current filter to change it.

  3. Select the In the selected segment radio button and then either:

      Select the segment you want to filter by.

      In the Create a new segment side panel, build the segment you want to filter by.
      When happy with your segment, select APPLY.
      Learn how in Create a segment.

  4. Select APPLY and then OK.

Add order filters

Add order filters to create a sophisticated, customised retail dashboard. For example, you might use order filters to:

  • Remove refunds and unwanted orders from your data

  • See orders delivered to a particular country

  • View orders where a coupon code or other discount was used

  • Isolate orders which included free delivery

Order filtering combines AND and OR conditions to create any rules you want. Your filters can target any order attributes.

You can create order filters based on three points: Filter field, Filter operator, and Filter value.


Filter field

Filter operator

Filter value


is more than


To set order filters on your retail dashboard:

  1. Select FILTERS at the top right of the dashboard.

  2. Under Order filters, select NO RULES ACTIVE.
    If a filter has already been applied, select One active rule to change it.

  3. On the Edit order filters side panel, you can add both include and exclude rules to filter your orders based on various attributes. To add a filter, under the Include or Exclude heading, select Click to select order data.

    When you use an Include Filter, the order shows on the dashboard if it matches the filter. Exclude filters apply the reverse logic and don't show if they match the filter.

  4. Under Edit rule, expand the Filter field drop-down menu, and select the filter field you want to filter by.

    Available filter fields are based on the order schema.
    Learn more about the order schema in the section Data schema.

  5. Expand the Filter operator drop-down menu, and select a filter operator.

  6. In the value field, enter the value you want to add to your filter.

  7. Optionally, you can add AND / OR rules to your filters. To do this, under Grouping, drag All are true (AND) or Any are true (OR) into your Include or Exclude rules.

  8. Select Click to select order data and follow the above steps to add a new filter.

Understand the metrics

All metrics are based on the time period you select for the dashboard.






Total revenue generated from orders.

AOV (Average order value)


Average value of all single orders.

CLV (Customer lifetime value)


Average customer lifetime value (spend) for a single customer.

Total orders


Total orders made.

Avg. items per order


Average number of items purchased in a single order.

Avg. delay (Days)


The average time (in days) between purchases from repeat customers. The lower the better.



Total number of customers who made at least one order.

Single purchase customers


The number of customers that made a single order.

Repeat customers


The number of customers that made more than one order.

A note about refunds

The metrics shown in our ecommerce reports all focus on conversion and the order value at the time of conversion. Because of this, we don't take refunds into account as they took place after the conversion.

Use the dashboard tiles

Each tile shows the title, a total, an interactive chart line; and if a comparison date is selected, a percentage.

For a more detailed view, select any tile to go to its ecommerce reports page.

Tile information

Learn about the information you see on the tiles.




The title to describe the data shown on the tile.


The total figure of the metric at the final date of your selected date range.

Interactive chart line

The chart line on each tile displays the trend – the incremental comparative rise and falls across your chosen time frame. Drag your cursor onto the line to see the total at any point.

Tile colour

There are two colours: Green or Purple.

  • Green indicates the metric is on track and improving compared to the previous period.

  • Purple indicates the metric is underperforming compared to the previous period and needs attention.

Percentage badges

The percentage badges show the percentage drop or increase compared to the comparison period.

Chart dots

Each chart displays two dots along the trend line.

Dot colour



The highest point of the chart line.


The worst performing point of the chart line.

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