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Install SuiteApp in NetSuite
Install SuiteApp in NetSuite

Configure your NetSuite environment to allow installation of the Dotdigital SuiteApp.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a month ago

The NetSuite integration uses NetSuite’s REST API to interact with Dotdigital. To authorise the calls, it uses NetSuite’s Token Based Authentication. The steps in this article guide you through how to set these up.

For your convenience we have created this NetSuite SuiteApp that configures the majority of what is needed to allow the Dotdigital for NetSuite integration to access your NetSuite ERP instance, leaving only a handful of steps to be completed manually.

If for any reason you need to complete the entire configuration manually, learn how in Manual NetSuite integration.

Before you start

Things you need to know:

  • You must complete the steps below prior to configuring the integration within Dotdigital.

  • You need admin permissions for NetSuite to complete these steps.

1. Enable the REST API

  1. Sign in to NetSuite. You must sign in as a user with admin permissions.

  2. From the top menu, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

  3. Select the SuiteCloud tab.

  4. Activate the following features:

    1. Under SuiteTalk (Web Services), select the checkboxes for REST Web Services.

    2. Under Manage Authentication, select the checkbox for Token-based Authentication.

  5. Select Save.

2. Install the Dotdigital SuiteApp for NetSuite

  1. Sign in to NetSuite. You must sign in as a user with admin permissions.

  2. From the top menu, go to SuiteApps.

  3. Enter Dotdigital into the Search field.

  4. Select dotdigital for NetSuite.

  5. Select Install on the right hand side.

The SuiteApp automatically:

  • enables the NetSuite REST services and Token Based Authentication.

  • creates an integration record (Dotdigital TBA).

  • creates a role (Dotdigital Integration).

3. Assign the role to a NetSuite user

To make use of the integration, you must have a NetSuite user with the correct permission level to access and update all the data you want to sync with Dotdigital, such as:

  • Items

  • Contacts

  • Customers

  • Prospects

  • Leads

You can either create a new user, or use an existing one. You must grant the Dotdigital integration role to your chosen NetSuite user in order to allow it to be used by the integration.

To do this:

  1. Sign in to NetSuite. You must sign in as a user with admin permissions.

  2. From the top menu, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Users.

  3. Select the user you want, then select Edit.

  4. Select the Access tab.

  5. Ensure the Give Access check box is selected. If this is a new user, select the Manually Assign or Change Password check box and enter a strong password in the password field below.

  6. Assign the Dotdigital integration role which was created by the SuiteApp to the user in the Roles sub tab.
    If you have more than one role named Dotdigital integration then choose the one with the highest suffix denoted in brackets, for example, Dotdigital integration (2).

  7. Select the Global Permissions tab.

  8. Ensure the REST Web Services permission is granted with FULL access.

  9. Select Save.

4. Generate an access token for the integration to use

The integration requires an access token to be created for the user you assign the Dotdigital Integration role to, in order to provide access through NetSuite’s REST API.

Learn more about Token Based Authentication in NetSuite in their support documentation.

  1. Sign in to NetSuite. You must sign in as a user with admin permissions.

  2. From the top menu, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Access Tokens > New.

  3. Expand the Application Name drop-down menu and select Dotdigital TBA.

  4. Select the user you assigned the Dotdigital Integration role to in the previous step in the User control.

  5. Expand the Role drop-down menu and select Dotdigital Integration.
    If you have multiple versions of the Dotdigital integration, roles defined use the latest version. This is the role with the highest number in brackets, for example, Dotdigital integration (2).

  6. Optionally, update your Token Name.

  7. Select Save.

  8. The Token Id / secret section displays the token ID and secret. Make a note of these as you need them during the integration setup.

Token details

You must note these down and keep them securely as they are only displayed once.

This completes the configuration setup in NetSuite and you're ready to install the integration in Dotdigital.

Next steps

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