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Access Dotdigital as a Salesforce user
Access Dotdigital as a Salesforce user

Submit your credentials and consent to link your Salesforce account to your Dotdigital account for automatic sign-in.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a week ago

The first time you use the Dotdigital tab inside Salesforce, you must enter the email address and password you use to access Dotdigital.

Access Dotdigital from Salesforce

To access Dotdigital in Salesforce:

  1. To open the App Launcher, select the icon in the top left.


  2. Select Dotdigital.

  3. Select the Dotdigital tab and then enter your Dotdigital login credentials.



    To select between multiple Dotdigital accounts, expand the drop-down menu, select an account, then select Continue.

  5. If you’re asked to verify your login, you will receive a verification email (or SMS, if your Dotdigital account has two-factor authentication switched on). Follow the instructions to verify your login.

On successful login, the Dotdigital dashboard is displayed.

After your Salesforce account has successfully logged into your Dotdigital account, you won’t be prompted to enter your password again (unless your accounts are unlinked).

Dotdigital will request you to change your password every 90 days for security purposes. You will be prompted to do this the next time you select the Dotdigital tab in Salesforce after your password expires.

If you don’t agree to the terms by completing the sign-in process, you won’t be able to access Dotdigital directly from within your Salesforce account, and will need to log in to the application separately to create email campaigns or automations.

Dotdigital is not available in the app launcher

If a user doesn’t have access to the Dotdigital app following the installation of the package, then a Salesforce administrator can create a permission set to resolve this, and assign it to the user.

To do this:

  1. As a Salesforce administrator, select the Setup cog and then Setup in the top right.

  2. Under ADMINISTRATION in the left side menu, select Users > Permission Sets.

  3. Select New.

  4. Enter a Label and API Name of your choice. You can also add a Description if you want to, then select Save.

  5. Select Assigned Apps, and then select Edit.

  6. Under Enabled Apps, select ddm.Email Marketing and use the arrow button to move it to Assigned Apps.

  7. Select Save.

  8. Apply this new permission set to the user.
    Learn how in the section Manage permission sets.

Create a campaign

Once you’ve successfully accessed Dotdigital and can see the Dotdigital dashboard, you’re ready to create a new campaign:

  1. In Dotdigital, go to Campaigns > Email, then select New campaign.

  2. Select a Free template, Custom Template or copy an existing sent campaign by selecting the relevant tab, then choose a template or campaign.

  3. In Salesforce, select Email Campaigns.


  4. Depending on your synchronisation settings you might see your new email campaign displayed automatically, or you can perform a manual synchronisation.

    Your email campaign is copied across from Dotdigital. It may take several minutes. When the synchronisation process is complete, your email campaign appears on the Email campaigns tab. Learn more in the section Synchronisation schedule.

  5. Select the Email campaign name to display the Campaign information screen.

User permissions

If your user isn’t linked to a Dotdigital account or you don’t have permission to use Dotdigital, then when the Dotdigital tab is selected you see one of the following error messages:

  • Insufficient Privileges
    You do not have the required permissions to access the Email Studio tab.

  • You Are Unable to Access Email Studio
    The currently logged in Salesforce user is not linked to any Email Marketing accounts.

Your user privileges can be amended in Salesforce by a system administrator.

Learn more in the section User permissions in Salesforce.

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