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Settings for linked accounts in Dotdigital for Salesforce
Settings for linked accounts in Dotdigital for Salesforce

Learn how to configure your settings for a Dotdigital account linked to your Salesforce organisation.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a week ago

It’s possible to link multiple Dotdigital accounts to a single Salesforce organisation, and each account has a number of settings which need to be independently configured. The available options and their uses are outlined in the relevant sections below.

⚠️ Warning

The Unlink account option will break the link between Salesforce and Dotdigital and should not be selected without a clear understanding of its use.

Access linked accounts settings

  1. In Salesforce, select the Configuration tab.

  2. A list of connected Dotdigital accounts is displayed under Dotdigital Accounts Settings.

  3. Expand the Settings drop-down menu next to an account.


Account settings

Select Account settings to display the email account name, along with options to allow sending from Salesforce, enable synchronisation, and configure suppression options.




Allow sending from Salesforce

This option is selected by default. It allows the use of the Send Campaign Wizard to send email campaigns directly from Salesforce. When not selected, you can only send campaigns from inside Dotdigital.

Enable Sychronisation

This option is selected by default. It allows the synchronisation of Dotdigital lists, campaigns and suppressions. When not selected, synchronisation does not occur.

Clear Address books

This option is not selected by default. If you choose to select this option, Salesforce can remove contacts from Email address books. Email address books will be cleared before synchronisation.

Update Contact 'Email Opt Out' on unsubscribe

Update Lead 'Email Opt Out' on unsubscribe

These options are selected by default. Any contacts or leads who unsubscribe from emails through Dotdigital have the Salesforce Email Opt Out field checked at the next scheduled sync for suppressions.

Any contact or lead who has this field selected directly in Salesforce will be added to the suppression list.

If you have multiple Dotdigital accounts connected, it’s common to leave these options deselected, so that an unsubscribe on one connected account is not synced to the others.

If you make any changes to these settings, select Save to confirm.

Manage users

Select Manage users to link Salesforce users to Dotdigital users, and edit user permissions.

Field mapping

Select Field mapping to map Salesforce fields to Dotdigital Contact data fields (Email datafields). Contacts and leads each have their own mapping table. To access each of these, select the relevant tab.


To choose to display all, mapped or unmapped fields, use the Show radio buttons at the bottom of the Field Mapping window.

The date and time at which the Salesforce fields were last refreshed is displayed in the top right corner. Any fields introduced after this date will not be shown until you refresh the page by selecting Refresh now.


After the screen has refreshed, all of your current Salesforce field(s) display in the list.

Custom fields are indicated by a green tick in the Custom column. Custom fields need to be mapped to a Contact data field before they can be used in Dotdigital.

Sync Direction

  1. Expand the Sync Direction drop-down menu.

  2. Choose the direction your data fields should sync:

    1. Salesforce to Dotdigital

      Data always comes from Salesforce

    2. Dotdigital to Salesforce

      Data always comes from Dotdigital

    3. Two-way

      If a change happens in either Salesforce or Dotdigital within the sync window, the data comes from the updated platform. However, if a change occurs in both platforms, in the same sync window, then Salesforce takes priority, and the data comes from Salesforce.

Email Datafield

  1. Expand the Email Datafield drop-down menu.

  2. Choose the Dotdigital Contact data field you want to map to the Salesforce field.
    All of your available Contact data fields display in the drop-down menu.

    If you need to add a new data field in Dotdigital, learn more in Create, delete and edit contact data fields.

Field types

There are a number of field types which exist in Salesforce which do not have a direct equivalent in Dotdigital. Salesforce field types should be mapped to Dotdigital contact data field types as follows:

Salesforce custom field type

Dotdigital contact data field type









Sync audit

Select Sync audit to display data syncs for a specified date range. The start time, end time and duration of the sync is displayed. You can filter the results by date range, type, and status using the fields at the top of the Synchronisation Audit window.


Failed syncs are highlighted in red. If an object ID is displayed, you can select it to display further information.

Sync options

  • Synchronisation Schedule

  • Data Options

  • Reset Synchronisation

If you make any changes to the settings on these tabs, select Save at the bottom of the window to confirm.

Synchronisation Schedule

Under Synchronisation Schedule you can set the interval for each synchronisation type as well as trigger a manual synchronisation of one or more data types. The table shows the date and time of the last and next synchronisation, as well as the status.

If the synchronisation hasn't been activated, it's possible for the Next Sync date/time to be in the past.

The interval can be set between a minimum of one hour and a maximum of one month. You can also set the interval to Manual or Disabled. To change the interval, expand the Interval drop-down menu and choose an option from the list.

If a synchronisation is currently in progress the Status column displays a notification.


Contact/Lead Maintenance

Setting the Contact/Lead Maintenance synchronisation interval to be more frequent than Daily can have a negative impact on general synchronisation.

To start a synchronisation manually, select the appropriate Sync Now checkbox for the types you want to sync, and then select Synchronise Now. The selected data types are immediately placed in the queue for synchronisation, and a confirmation message is displayed.

The synchronisation starts as soon as possible.

Data Options

The Data Options tab is further split into two tabs:

  • Email Campaigns

  • Forms

Email Campaigns

This tab allows you to specify the email campaign data options you want to sync between Dotdigital and Salesforce. These options are used to set the sync level for any new email campaign that's created.

By default, email campaigns are set to synchronise with all behavioural data. The Synchronise Email Campaigns option needs to be selected to allow any other data options to be selected.


Data Option


Send Summaries

The contacts who have been sent the email campaign.

Allow Campaign Membership Updates

This option is only available when Send Summaries is enabled.

All changes by recipients will alter Campaign Member status.


The unique number of users who have clicked a link in the email.

Page Views

Track which pages your contacts go to after clicking a link in your email.

Requires Site and ROI tracking to be installed.


Purchase data made by a contact purchasing from your website after following a link in your email.

Requires Site and ROI tracking to be installed.

Social Bookmarks

Which contacts shared the email and which networks your campaign was viewed through.

You can also alter data options for email campaigns that have already been synchronised into Salesforce. This option can be used for setting up the deletion of data which is no longer required.

To do this for all synchronised email campaigns:

  1. Select All Email Campaigns.

  2. Select OK.

  3. Changes to data will be made at the next synchronisation.

To do this for selected synchronised email campaigns:

  1. Select Select Email Campaigns.

  2. This displays a list of all the email campaigns that can have data options changed.

  3. Select the checkbox for the campaigns you want to apply the changes to, and then select Apply to Selected.

  4. A confirmation message is displayed. Select OK.


This tab allows you to specify the forms data options you want to sync between Dotdigital and Salesforce. These options are used to set the sync level for any new form that's created.

The default is to synchronise forms with responses. The data associated with each response is stored against each contact/lead. The Synchronise Forms option needs to be selected to allow the selection of Responses.


Data Option


Synchronise forms

Forms are synchronised with their questions.


Responses to questions are synchronised and stored against each contact/lead.

You can also alter data options for forms that have already been synchronised into Salesforce. This option can be used for setting up the deletion of data which is no longer required.

To do this for all synchronised forms:

  1. Select All Forms.

  2. Select OK.

  3. Changes to data will be made at the next synchronisation.

To do this for selected synchronised forms:

  1. Select Select Forms.
    This displays a list of all the surveys or forms that can have data options changed.

  2. Select the checkbox next to the forms you want to apply changes to, and then select Apply to Selected.

  3. A confirmation message is displayed. Select OK.

Data limits

If you choose to enable all of the available data options, you might want to contact your system administrator to ensure that any data limits in relation to your Salesforce system aren't impacted, as the data load can be large.

Reset Synchronisation

The Reset Synchronisation tab is further split into two tabs:

  • Email Campaigns

  • Forms

Email Campaigns

Resetting email campaign synchronisation allows all data, starting from the first send, to be re-imported from Dotdigital.

This function can be used for collecting data from historical email campaigns or email campaigns which were not sent from Salesforce.


To do this for all email campaigns:

  1. Select All Email Campaigns.

  2. Select OK.

  3. Any changes to the data will be made at the next synchronisation.

To do this for selected email campaigns:

  1. Select Select Email Campaigns.
    A list of all the email campaigns that can have synchronisation reset is displayed.

  2. Select the checkbox next to the campaigns you want to apply changes to, and then select Reset Synchronisation for Selected Email Campaigns.

  3. A confirmation message is displayed. Select OK.

Campaign synchronisation following a reset may take far longer than usual as it retrieves all the data as requested.


Resetting forms synchronisation allows all data, starting from the first response, to be re-imported from Dotdigital.

This function can be used to collect responses for historical forms.


To do this for all forms:

  1. Select All Forms.

  2. Select OK.

  3. Any changes to the data will be made at the next synchronisation.

To do this for selected forms:

  1. Select Select Email Forms.

  2. A list of all the surveys or forms that can have synchronisation reset is displayed.

  3. Select the checkbox next to the forms you want to apply changes to, and then select Reset Synchronisation for Selected Email Forms.

  4. A confirmation message is displayed. Select OK.

    Form synchronisation following a reset may take far longer than usual as it retrieves all the data as requested.

Unlink account

Select Unlink account to break the link between the Salesforce organisation and the Dotdigital account. You might want to use this option when transferring from a sandbox account to a production account, for example.


To confirm that you want to unlink the stated accounts, select OK.

The link can be re-established by using Dotdigital Linking.

When there are no linked accounts, the Dotdigital tab will show this, and no accounts will be listed on the Configuration tab.

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