The Dotdigital Tag
The Dotdigital Tag simplifies the process of adding Dotdigital scripts to your site.
Learn more in Add the Dotdigital Tag to your website.
Setting up site and ROI tracking for your account, allows you to do three things:
track the journey of contacts who access your website through links in your campaigns
track ROI values for those customers if you're an e-commerce business
split test campaigns using ROI metrics.
To use site and ROI tracking, you must first set it up. The setup involves adding lines of JavaScript code to your web pages. Don't worry, we provide this code for you, so just carry out the following steps to add and enable it.
You can also set up third-party tracking for all of your campaigns from this area of the app, if you wish.
Before you start
Things you need to know:
Our site and ROI tracking script can't be applied using Google Tag Manager. You must add it directly to your site as outlined below.
Your account must use the Direct revenue attribution method to enable ROI tracking and ROI split testing sections.
For Magento users, you must set up ROI tracking using the Magento connector and not in Dotdigital.
Set up site tracking
Expand the User menu and go to Settings > Tracking > Site & ROI tracking.
The site tracking code is displayed at the top of this screen. Copy this code and add it before the closing
tag on every page of your website that you want to track.
Adding the code enables you to track the pages your contacts go to after clicking a link in your email.
You can analyse the site tracking information in your campaign analytics area.
To enable tracking across different subdomains, for example, and, you must generate the tracking code.
Enter your domain name, without the subdomain, into the Domain to track box under the Sub domains section.
Select GENERATE, and the JavaScript above generates the correct code that you must add to your web page.
Set up ROI tracking
Your account must use the Direct revenue attribution method to enable ROI tracking and ROI split testing sections.
Expand the User menu and go to Settings > Tracking > Site & ROI tracking.
Navigate to ROI tracking.
The code enables you to track purchases made by a contact arriving at your website from a link in your campaign.
The ROI tracking code includes example markers of
,Product name
. Replace the example markers with the markers you plan to track.Add the ROI tracking code to the post-purchase confirmation page or its equivalent. The code must be appended underneath the last line of the site tracking code of that page.
This enables you to track a list of the products purchased and the total checkout amount.Select SAVE.
Append the ROI tracking code to the site tracking code on your post-purchase confirmation page.
Ensure the site tracking code is present for the post-purchase confirmation page to be tracked correctly.
Without the site tracking code, the ROI tracking information is not retrieved.
Optional parameters
You can set an optional third parameter on your pages. By default, multiple values per ROI marker are recorded, so if a user clicked to go back in their browser, more than one value might be stored as a consequence. To store only the latest value you must add and set this parameter to true. An example of the notation required is provided for you to edit, copy and paste.
ROI tracking session length
An ROI tracking session lasts for one hour.
Set up ROI split testing markers
Once you have ROI tracking set up you can enable ROI split testing, which allows you to measure winning split test campaigns on ROI data, not just the amount of clicks and opens.
First, you must set up your ROI split testing markers. ROI markers are the parameter names discussed above, which are the corresponding names you use for such fields in your own system.
To add your ROI marker's details, go to the bottom of the page and select ADD NEW .
In the ROI marker details popover, set the name of the marker and select its data type from the dropdown options - either text, number, date, or yes/no (known as a Boolean value).
Select SAVE to confirm the ROI marker.
The marker is listed in ROI split testing section, available for editing or deletion. If you delete markers here, it means you can no longer use them for split testing purposes, but they are still tracked if you call them on your site.
Adding at least one ROI marker ensures the ROI metric option becomes available to select under Set your split testing options when reaching step 4 ('Contacts') of the campaign creation process.
Selecting the ROI radio button produces a dropdown of ROI marker options which is populated by the ROI markers you've created here.
View information about ROI in campaign reports
On the email report overview page, ROI data is displayed in the ROI headline tile. This headline tile displays the following data, depending on the results of your ROI reports:
No markers have been tracked for this campaign - displayed when you haven't included ROI tracking on your webpages, or your campaign has not collected any ROI tracking data.
The number of markers that were tracked - displays the count of tracked markers. For detailed information, view the full report.
The total checkout amount of your ROI tracking - if you want the ROI headline tile to report this amount, you need to set up your ROI tracking with the
marker, which is in the example code under the ROI tracking section.
Learn more
Set up third-party tracking
You can set up third-party tracking such as for Return Path or 250ok for all of your campaigns.
Expand the User menu and go to Settings > Tracking > Site & ROI tracking.
Navigate to Third-party tracking and paste the code from the third-party platform into the field.
Avoid any mistakes or typos when entering the third-party tracking code, as we apply the tracking code exactly as it's provided. If mistakes are present, your third-party tracking won't work correctly.Select SAVE.
We add the code before the closing </body> tag for all email campaigns sent from the account.After saving the code, save the campaign at least once to apply for the tracking code to it.
Cookie management for Site and ROI tracking
Our Site and ROI tracking features use non-essential cookies to work. To be GDPR compliant, you must get consent from your users if your site uses any non-essential cookies. You can do this with a cookie management solution.
Learn more about essential and non-essential cookies, and when and how to use cookie management, in Make sure you're cookie compliant.