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Install the Salesforce Commerce Cloud cartridge for SiteGenesis
Install the Salesforce Commerce Cloud cartridge for SiteGenesis

Use the Dotdigital cartridge to integrate your Salesforce Commerce Cloud cartridge for SiteGenesis.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a week ago

Our certified cartridge for Salesforce Commerce Cloud is developed and integrated with SiteGenesis. The Dotdigital cartridge extends SiteGenesis functionality by sending transactional emails using Dotdigital and captures user emails for sending newsletters.

Use the cartridge to:

  • Capture user email addresses for sending newsletters
    You can do user subscriptions using your website footer, checkout, and user registration process.

  • Send transactional emails
    You can send transactional emails for:

    • Registration emails

    • Profile updates

    • Password change requests

    • Password change confirmation

    • Order creation

    • Order shipments

  • Track the content in an abandoned cart
    Identify users based on email address and trigger an abandoned cart program after an inactivity period that's defined in the configuration.

  • Track site and ROI metrics
    Track the journey of contacts who go on to access the storefront through links in marketing campaigns.

  • Track ROI values
    Track when customers pass orders originating from a campaign.

    Learn more about ROI tracking in Using site and ROI tracking

Salesforce Commerce Cloud cartridge for SFRA

Learn about our integration for SFRA (3.2.0) in Install the Salesforce Commerce Cloud cartridge for SFRA.

Before you start

Things you need to know:

  • Cartridge installation is required for Web Behavior Tracking to be enabled.

  • Cartridge limitations

    The cartridge doesn’t synchronise ecommerce data such as customers, orders and your product catalog. You can do this with our OCAPI integration.

    Abandoned cart tracking for guests must be implemented separately by identifying the email address of a contact. Learn more in Abandonded carts.


To use the cartridge, you must have an active Dotdigital account.

1. Download the cartridge

  1. Select DOWNLOAD INTEGRATION to download to your local computer.

  2. Unzip the Dotdigital for Salesforce zip file.

2. Install the cartridge

  1. Import the int_dotdigital into the UXStuido workspace.

  2. Open UXStudio in Eclipse IDE.

  3. Browse to the directory where the cartridge int_dotdigital are downloaded.

  4. Select Finish and then OK to link the cartridge to the sandbox.

  5. Repeat the above steps and import int_dotdigital_core.

Import metadata

  1. Locate the folder site template in the installation package.

  2. Archive the folder to

  3. Import the file by using Site Import & Export.

Configure the cartridge

  1. Modify the site path in Business Manager > Administration > Manage Sites.

  2. Add the cartridge name at the end of the path.


Configuration settings table

Terminology change

The table below references Address books. In Dotdigital, these have been renamed to Lists. To view your lists in Dotdigital, go to Audience > Lists.


Recommended value


Enable or disable the Dotdigital integration for the SiteGenesis integration.

Address Book for Registered User

The address book ID for capturing registered user email IDs.

Address Book for Guest User

The address book ID for capturing guest user email IDs.

API Username

To find your API username, go to Settings > Access > API Users.

API Password

To find your API password, go to Settings > Access > API Users.

API Endpoint

To find your API endpoint, go to Settings > Access > API Users.

Account Creation Campaign ID

The email template that's used for sending account creation emails.

Password Change Request Campaign ID

The email template that's used for sending password change requests.

Password Change Campaign ID

The email template that's used for sending a successful password change request.

Order Confirmation Campaign ID

The order confirmation campaign email ID.

Account Edited Campaign ID

The account profile edited email campaign ID.

Shipping Confirmation Campaign ID

The shipping confirmation campaign email ID.

3. Modify your code

To complete the cartridge installation, you must make these 11 code modifications.

Code modification 1

  1. Navigate to the file:


  2. Enter this code snippet:

    <isinclude template="dotdigital_snippets"/>

    Where: Enter the code at the end of the file.


Navigate to the file:

  1. Navigate to the file:


  2. Enter this code snippet:


    Where: Enter the code after the line

CHECK_TLS: Site.getCurrent().getCustomPrefferenceValue('checkTLS'),

Code modification 3

  1. Navigate to the file:


  2. Enter this code snippet:

    //init dotdigital Abandoned Basket Tracking if 
    { var dotdigital = require('./dotdigitalutils/dotdigital');
    dotdigital.abandonBasketTracking(); } //init dotdigital ROI Tracking
    if (SitePreferences.ENABLE_DOTDIGITAL_ROI_TRACKING) { var roitracking
    = require('./dotdigitalutils/roitracking'); roitracking.init(); }

    Where: Enter the code after the code block

    // Check TLS status if indicated by site preferencesif (Site 
    Preferences.CHECK_TLS === true) { tls.getUserAgent();}

Code modification 4

  1. Navigate to the file:


  2. Enter this code snippet:

    { var dotdigital = require('../../dotdigitalutils/dotdigital');
    dotdigital.abandonBasketTracking(response); }

    Where: Enter the code after the code block

    // handle error in the responseif (response.error) { throw new 
    Error(response.error);} else {

    And before the line

    return response;

Code modification 5

Make the following changes to this folder:

  1. Go to the folder /app_storefront_core/cartridge/js.

  2. Create a folder named dotdigitalutils.

  3. Move these two files into the dotdigitalutils folder:

    • /int_dotdigital/cartridge/scripts/dotdigital.js

    • /int_dotdigital/cartridge/scripts/roitracking.js

Code modification 6

  1. Navigate to the file:


  2. Enter this code snippet:

    new Customer.object.profile.custom.lastModifiedDateTime = new Date();

  3. Where: Enter the code after the line addressBook.removeAddress(address);


Code modification 7

  1. Navigate to the file:


  2. Enter this code snippet:

    customer.profile.custom.lastModifiedDateTime = new Date();

    Where: Enter the code after the code block

    if (setCustomerPassword.error || !CustoemrModel.setLogin(customer, email, password) || !Form.get('profile.customer').copyTo(customer.profile)) { Transaction.rollback(); return false;)

Code modification 8

  1. Navigate to the file:


  2. Enter this code snippet:

    customer.profile.custom.lastModifiedDateTime = new Date();

    Where: In the following three locations:

    • Location 1

      Enter the code after the line addressBook.removeAddress(address);


  • Location 2
    Enter the code after the code block

    if ('states' in addressForm) { if 
    (!Form.get(addressForm.states).copyTo(address)) { return null; }}

  • Location 3
    Enter the code after the block

    if ('states' in addressForm) {
      if (!Form.get(addressForm.states).copyTo(address)) {
        throw new Error('Unable to update address state');

Code modification 9

  1. Navigate to the file:


  2. Enter this code snippet:

    customer.profile.custom.lastModifiedDateTime = new Date();

    Where: Enter the code after the line


Code modification 10

  1. Navigate to the file:


  2. Enter this code snippet:

    <field formid="addToEmailList" label="checkout.addtoemaillist" 
    binding="custom.acceptsMarketing" type="boolean" mandatory="false" />

    Where: Enter the code after the line

    <field formid="addToAddressBook" label="checkout.addtoaddressbook" 
    type="boolean" mandatory="false" />

Code modification 11

  1. Navigate to the file:


  2. Enter this code snippet:

    <field formid="addtoemaillist" label="profile.addemailtolist" 
    binding="custom.acceptsMarketing" type="boolean"/>

    Where: Enter the code after the line

    <field formid="phone" label="" type="string" 
    description="profile.phoneexample" mandatory="false"
    binding="phoneHome" max-length="50"/>

4. Check your firewall settings

You don't need to allow any IP addresses on your allow list for the cartridge to work.

5. Test your installation

Use this checklist to test your installation is set up correctly:

  • As a logged-in customer in your Salesforce Commerce Cloud storefront, check that the local storage DOTDIGITAL_AB_TRACKING exists.

  • Add or remove items from your cart and check that the local storage data is updated accordingly.

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