The Shopify connector supports the bi-directional synchronisation of certain fields due to its two-way sync feature. By default, two-way sync is disabled, but we recommend enabling it. If two-way sync is disabled, Dotdigital won’t update your customer’s Marketing state (email_marketing_consent) if they unsubscribe from a campaign.
Synced contact data fields
With two-way sync enabled, the following contact data fields in Dotdigital are updated in Shopify during the next scheduled sync:
First name
Last name
Phone number
Shipping address (default address)
Subscriber status (email_marketing_consent)
When a customer unsubscribes through Dotdigital, the Marketing status (accept_marketing) in Shopify changes to UNSUBSCRIBED, and the consent updated date (consent_updated_at) changes to the date at which the consent information is changed.
Enable or disable two-way sync
In Dotdigital, go to Connect > Shopify.
Find the Contacts section.
Select Yes to enable or No to disable the Enable two-way sync feature.
Select SAVE.
Synchronisation details
Dotdigital syncs in stages; historical data isn’t synchronised. If a customer doesn't exist in Shopify, the two-way sync won’t create the customer during synchronisation.