What's new
Single Sign-On (SSO)
To improve security and convenience, you can now set up Single Sign-On (SSO) for your account. This means only one set of credentials can be used to log in across several different applications.
ISO 14001 certification
We’re committed to the environment and a green future. Not only is dotdigital officially carbon neutral, but we’re now ISO 14001 certified.
Insight data
To help you get started sooner, you can now use the import insight data tool to bulk upload essential data, such as your orders and product catalogs.
To give you more filtering options and customisation in your Retail dashboard, it’s now possible to add order filters and remove refunded orders from your total order data.
We’ve improved SMS by offering more reporting and functionality options:
It’s now possible to send an SMS using email.
You can now view inbound messages and outbound message reports, set an expiry time for SMS campaigns, and turn off SMS hard bounce automatic suppression.
Contacts can now opt-out and resubscribe to your SMS campaigns.
Magento 2
It’s now possible to keep your customers up to date about their transactions through SMS because transactional SMS notifications are now available for Magento 2.
Read more about the latest release for Magento 2 and Magento 2 SMS.
Microsoft Dynamics
You can now trigger one-to-one transactional sends by using Microsoft Dynamics workflows.
Accounts and billing
It’s now not only possible to view credit notes, but you can conveniently pay your first, monthly, and one-off invoices in the Invoices area of your Engagement Cloud account.
GDPR advice centre
Introducing the GDPR advice centre. A place jam-packed with information to help you remain GDPR compliant.
Bug fixes and other improvements
We've made over 40 bug fixes and other improvements!