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Dotdigital for Salesforce package release notes
Dotdigital for Salesforce package release notes
Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a week ago


These are the Dotdigital for Salesforce package release notes, with the latest release at the top and descending in historical order.

Package upgrade installation

Administrative users are alerted to an available upgrade by a panel appearing on the configuration tab page.

A guide for the installation of a new package can be found as part of the installation articles.

Release notes

Package version 2.51 - Dotdigital for Salesforce released 15 February 2023

Package release for Dotdigital for Salesforce on 15 February 2023 was a feature upgrade and included the following changes:

  • Resubscribe functionality added for contacts and leads.

  • Two-way sync for contact and leads data added, along with Salesforce lead creation.

Package version 2.50 - Dotdigital for Salesforce released 17 November 2021

Package release for Dotdigital for Salesforce on 17 November 2021 was a feature upgrade and included the following changes:

  • We've updated the solution to reflect the rebranding of Engagement Cloud to Dotdigital.

Package version 2.47 - Engagement Cloud for Salesforce released 20 July 2020

Package release for Engagement Cloud for Salesforce on 20 July 2020 was a feature upgrade and included the following changes:

  • We've made improvements to the marketing preference sync. The change reduces the number of API calls required and improves sync performance and speed.

Package version 2.45 - Engagement Cloud for Salesforce released 11 March 2020

Package release for Engagement Cloud for Salesforce on 11 March 2020 was a feature upgrade and included the following change:

  • General fixes and improvements

Package version 2.44 - Engagement Cloud for Salesforce released 31st July 2019

Package release for Engagement Cloud for Salesforce released 31st July 2019 was a branding upgrade and included the following change:

  • Two-way synchronisation for marketing preferences

Package version 2.43 - Engagement Cloud for Salesforce released 16th January 2019

Package release for Engagement Cloud for Salesforce released 16th Jan 2019 was a branding upgrade and included the following changes:

  • Updates Classic and Lightning app names and logos

  • Renames 'Email Studio' tab to 'Engagement Cloud'

  • Renames 'Email Account' entity to 'Engagement Cloud Account'

Package version 2.42 - marketing automation released 5th December 2018

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 5th December 2018 was a feature upgrade and included the following change:

  • Enables support for marketing preferences synchronisation

Package version 2.41.4 - marketing automation released 17th July 2018

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 17th July 2018 was a feature upgrade and included the following change:

  • A fix for a problem that was preventing some users from being able to use our Lightning components despite having the correct permissions

Package version 2.41.3 - marketing automation released 16th May 2018

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 16th May 2018 was a feature upgrade and included the following change:

  • A fix for a problem that wasn't correctly verifying and then routing an org as a sandbox when authorising access to that org's Salesforce data

Package version 2.41.2 - marketing automation released 9th May 2018

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 9th May 2018 was a feature upgrade and included the following change:

  • A fix for a problem that was preventing R2 accounts and Salesforce organisations with a US locale from saving an email campaign after editing it

Package version 2.41 - marketing automation released 14th March 2018

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 14th March 2018 was a feature upgrade and included the following change:

  • Enables support for opt-in type synchronisation for contacts, leads and person accounts

Package version 2.40 - marketing automation released 15th March 2017

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 15th March 2017 was a feature upgrade and included the following changes:

  • Enables support for contact scoring synchronisation

  • Adds new 'Contact scoring' fields for Leads and Contacts entities

Package version 2.39 - marketing automation released 18th January 2017

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 18th January 2017 was a feature upgrade and included the following changes:

  • Enables support for Salesforce Lightning Experience

  • Adds new Salesforce Lightning components

  • Updates the interface with a new and consistent look and feel using the Lightning Design System (available for Salesforce Classic and Lightning users)

  • Updates managed email marketing reports date ranges to automatically report on the current financial year

Please note

For security purposes, Lightning components now require you to define a custom Salesforce domain name for your organisation. Before using Lightning components, you might need to take action to add a subdomain to your Salesforce org URL with the 'My Domain Salesforce' feature. More information is available here -

Package version 2.37 - marketing automation released 17th August 2016

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 17th August 2016 was a maintenance upgrade and included the following change:

  • Allows support for dotmailer accounts located in the US/Canada (r2). It is not a mandatory upgrade for accounts located in the rest of the world (r1).

Package version 2.36 - marketing automation released 17th February 2016

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 17th February 2016 was a maintenance upgrade and included the following change:

  • Allows the 'Add to Automation' button to function as intended for contacts.

Package version 2.35 - marketing automation released 3rd January 2016

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 3rd January 2016 was a maintenance upgrade and included the following change:

  • Allows the 'Add to Automation' button to function as intended.

Package version 2.33 - marketing automation released 29th October 2015

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 29th October 2016 was a maintenance upgrade and included the following change:

  • Prior to the Salesforce Winter 16 release, the system was allowed to load all JavaScript for a page load so it could be used when a button was first clicked. The update now loads the JavaScript when the button is clicked.

Package version 2.30 - marketing automation released 21st January 2015

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 21st January 2015 was a feature upgrade and included the following change:

  • Forms – dotmailer surveys and forms can be synchronised in Salesforce. The questions and responses are visible on the contact/lead record.

  • WebInsight – along with web page views, identified visits to tracked web pages are now available against the contact/lead record.

  • Engagement timeline – the engagement of the contact/lead with email campaigns, web page visits, ROI and forms can be viewed in a timeline. Both outline and detailed information can be viewed.

  • Social profiles – a contact's social presence can be accessed directly from their record in Salesforce.

  • Salesforce campaign member status filter – standard and custom campaign membership statuses can now be used to filter campaign membership to email address books.

  • Add to email program – contacts and leads can be added on demand to an existing automated dotmailer email program from the standard page without email address book synchronisation.

  • Source list – email address books not linked to an email campaign (such as ones used by an email program) can be marked so that inactivity monitoring does not apply and automated synchronisations persist.

Package version 1.8.3 - marketing automation released 12th June 2014

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 12th June 2014 was a feature upgrade and included the following change:

  • Salesforce campaign members' statuses now update from the response from email campaign, updating from initial value to email sent, and opened or clicked when appropriate.

  • Automated addition of response values to Salesforce campaign for campaign membership status. Email sent, opened, clicked, soft bounced, hard bounced and unsubscribed responses allowed.

  • Support for email address book marketing automation join trigger.

  • Email address books that haven't been used for sending of an email campaign over the last 45 days (configurable) will be automatically set to manual synchronisation.

  • Email address book manual synchronisation option.

  • Email campaign activity monitoring, synchronising only email campaigns that have had activity.

Package version 1.8.2 - marketing automation released 3rd March 2014

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 3rd March 2014 was a feature upgrade and included the following change:

  • Support for Salesforce Professional edition.

  • Desktop preview of an email campaign directly from within the email campaign page.

  • Advanced email campaign data options control, setting of options on existing email campaigns and the removal of unwanted behavioural data on individual email campaigns. This is to allow the customer to manage the data that is held within Salesforce at a granular level.

  • Cancelling of scheduled email campaign sends directly from Salesforce.

  • Email address books graphical representation of the statistics.

Package version 1.68 - marketing automation released 11th March 2013

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 11th March 2013 was a feature upgrade and included the following change:

  • Modification to permission sets to resolve installation issues with some types of Salesforce orgs; this removed access to objects that the email marketing app doesn’t use.

Package version 1.67 - marketing automation released 8th March 2013

Package release for dotmailer for Salesforce on 8th March 2013 was a feature upgrade and included the following change:

  • The build number was added to the package.

  • A new (account ID) field was added to all of the email marketing campaign statistic objects to allow better syncing and sharing rules to be created.

  • The account ID, address book count, and destination address book count fields were added to the email address book object.

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