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Program messaging channel: Messenger
Program messaging channel: Messenger

Use the Messenger node to send transactional messages from a program to your contacts.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 7 months ago

Once you've created a Messenger profile, you're able to drag and drop a Messenger node into your programs.

Contacts are sent messages through Messenger only after they opt-in by clicking the Facebook opt-in button, which you can display on a landing page or on your website.

After contacts click the button, they are given a value for the FBOPTIN_XXX contact data field.

Before you start

Things you need to know:

  • You can only view replies to messages on your Facebook account.

  • You can't use the Messenger node for marketing communications.

Create a Messenger profile

To create a Facebook Messenger profile, you need a Facebook account that has at least one page. Each profile must be linked to a unique Facebook page.

  1. Go to Connect > Digital Marketing Channels.

  2. Select Messenger and then NEW PROFILE.

  3. Enter a name for your profile.

  4. Select LOG IN TO FACEBOOK, and confirm that you're happy for your account to access your public Facebook profile.

  5. From the Facebook page drop-down menu, select the Facebook page that you want to send messages from.

    Page roles

    To send messages from the Messenger node, you must have one of the following Facebook page roles:

    • Admin

    • Editor

    • Moderator

  6. From the Status drop-down menu, select Enabled.

  7. Select Save

  8. Copy the Facebook opt-in code and use it to display a Facebook opt-in button on a landing page or a website.

Use the Messenger node in a program

The Messenger node sends messages to contacts who have opted in to your Messenger profile. According to Facebook's messaging policy, your page may send the following types of messages:

Subscription messages (non-promotional)

These messages may contain only non-promotional content. You may send these messages at any time only to contacts who have opted in to your Messenger profile. To send a subscription message, use one of the following tags:

  • Confirmed_event_update

  • Post_purchase_update

  • Account_update

If you send any messages that aren't in the context of the tag you select, Facebook can stop your page from sending messages. You can check for policy violations in your settings on Facebook. To see examples and allowed use cases, go to this Facebook article.

  1. Drag and drop the Messenger node onto the canvas

  2. Select the node to configure it

  3. Select Change tag, and select a tag.

  4. Write a message to send. You can personalise your message with contact data field values.


View usage statistics for a Messenger profile

Usage statistics display reports for your Messenger profiles.

  1. Go to Connect > Digital marketing channels and select Messenger.

  2. Select the name of a Messenger profile to open the Messenger channel profile page

This page displays the total number of messages that have been delivered from this profile in the last seven days. If any messages were not sent, this page displays the error and the reason for the error.

A note on usage statistics

Contacts who have not clicked the Facebook opt-in button are not sent a message when they reach the Messenger node of a program. Instead, those contacts are listed in the warning section of the profile's usage stats and move through the rest of the program as usual.

View more details about a statistic

Select the link under Messages delivered in the last 7 days. This link opens a page, which displays the following information:

  • The date the message was sent

  • The number of messages that were sent

  • The number of messages that were delivered

  • The number of contacts that were not sent a message and the reason for it

You can filter the details by warnings, messages sent, and messages delivered. You can also filter the details by date.


Select the number under the Messages sent column, the Messages delivered column, or the Warning message column to view which contacts were sent messages, which contacts were delivered messages, and which contacts were not sent messages

Find the opt-in contact data field for a Messenger profile

A unique FBOPTIN_XXX contact data field is created for each Messenger profile. Contacts can be sent a message through Facebook Messenger only if they have a value for the FBOPTIN_XXX contact data field.

  1. Go to Connect > Digital marketing channels and select Messenger.

  2. Select the name of a Messenger profile to open the Messenger channel profile page

Delete or disable a Messenger profile

Before deleting or disabling a profile

  • You can't delete or disable a profile that's in use in an active program.

  • Deleting a profile deletes all usage statistics for that profile.

  • Disabling a profile stops users from selecting the profile in a node until you enable the profile again.

To delete a Messenger profile:

  1. Go to Connect > Digital marketing channels and select Messenger.

  2. Select the checkbox next to the name of the profile you want to delete.

  3. Select DELETE.

To disable a Messenger profile:

  1. Go to Connect > Digital marketing channels and select Messenger.

  2. Select the profile you want to disable

  3. For the Status field, select Disabled.


If you uninstall our app from your subscribed apps on Facebook, this action does not delete your Messenger profile in your account.

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