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Program messaging channel: SMS/MMS

Use the SMS/MMS campaign node in your programs.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 7 months ago

Use the SMS/MMS campaign node to automatically send an SMS or MMS campaign to your contacts.

Learn more about using MMS in Activate MMS.

This node lets you re-engage with your contacts through these channels. You can also use contact data field values in the SMS/MMS node to personalise your message.

Multiple SMS nodes

If your account made use of a Triggered SMS profile to send SMS through programs prior to 12th September 2023 then you see both an SMS/MMS campaign node and an SMS node in your program builder.

The instructions below are for the SMS/MMS campaign node, which uses the new Mobilenumberid channel identifier to send SMS or MMS to contacts.

The SMS node is the legacy node linked to your Triggered SMS profile, which used a custom data field to store mobile numbers. You no longer need a Triggered SMS profile to send SMS through programs, but existing ones continue to work.

Use the SMS/MMS campaign node in a program

  1. On the program builder, drag the SMS/MMS campaign node onto the canvas in the desired position.

  2. Select the node to open the settings.

  3. Select SELECT CAMPAIGN to choose the campaign you want to use, or CREATE CAMPAIGN to create a new one.

Select an existing campaign

  1. Choosing SELECT CAMPAIGN presents you with a list of your triggered campaigns by default. However, you can select BROADCAST to switch to a list of your non-triggered campaigns.

    Selecting a broadcast campaign
    If you select a campaign from your list of broadcast campaigns, a triggered copy of the campaign is created for use in the program.
    Therefore, if you want to make changes to the campaign being sent by the program, you need to locate the copy under Automation > Triggered SMS/MMS.

    When you select a broadcast campaign, a message appears to confirm that a triggered copy is made.

    Campaigns listed in the Select SMS/MMS campaign side panel can be sorted by their name or modified date.

    Select the eye icon to preview a campaign. You can also search your campaigns by name.

  2. Select the radio button for a campaign to add it to the SMS/MMS campaign node.

Create a new campaign

Select CREATE CAMPAIGN and enter a campaign name.

You need to locate this new campaign under Automation > Triggered SMS/MMS in order to add campaign details and content.

You won’t be able to activate the program until you have completed the creation process for any campaigns you have created through an SMS/MMS campaign node.

Set an expiry

  1. If your message is time-sensitive, for Expiry after, enter a number of hours for the message to remain valid. If undelivered after this timeframe, the message expires and the send is not re-tried.

    The custom expiry is useful for a 24-hour sale or travel updates, for example.

  2. Select APPLY.

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