We're proud to have made significant and necessary changes to minimize our negative impact on the planet.
Read all about our efforts in our blog Emails that support the planet.
That's why we've written our sustainability statements. Add these handy little text snippets to your emails to let your contacts know that by choosing us as your marketing automation platform, you're also reducing your own carbon footprint.
Add a sustainability statement to your email campaigns
The best way to add the sustainability statement to your emails is to create a reusable EasyEditor block to drag into your campaigns whenever you need it.
Watch the video
1. Create a reusable sustainability statement block
While creating or editing an email campaign in EasyEditor, drag an Image and text block into the footer of your campaign.
From the Images menu, drag a suitable image into the Image and text block.
Paste your sustainability statement into the Image and text block.
Use one of our prewritten Sustainability statements.
To turn this block into a reusable block, expand the Custom building blocks menu, and drag your new Image and text sustainability block into the Custom building blocks menu.
Enter a name for your block. Make it something you'll easily recognise.
Select Save.
2. Add your sustainability statement block to an email campaign
While creating or editing a campaign in EasyEditor, expand the Custom building blocks menu.
Drag your sustainability statement block into the footer of your campaign.
Save your campaign and continue editing.
Sustainability statements
Feel free to use any of these statements in your own campaigns.
This message was sent with Dotdigital, a carbon-neutral company. Dotdigital offset all their measured greenhouse gas emissions, including Scope 1, Scope 2, and selected Scope 3 emissions. Learn more.
This message was sent from a carbon-neutral marketing platform that offset all their measured greenhouse gas emissions, including Scope 1, Scope 2, and selected Scope 3 emissions.
This message was sent from a carbon-neutral marketing platform that offset all their measured greenhouse gas emissions.