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Use programs to remove contacts from lists and to delete contacts from your account
Use programs to remove contacts from lists and to delete contacts from your account

Remove contacts from your lists or delete them from your account in a program.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 7 months ago

The Remove contact node is used to remove contacts from the lists of your choice or to delete contacts from your account altogether.

Use cases

Some examples of how you might want to use the remove contact node:

  • Removing contacts from a list
    This is useful if you want to automatically remove contacts from your regular newsletter series list as they approach a renewal period, in order to send them targeted renewal-focused emails instead.

  • Deleting contacts from your account
    This is useful if you want to automate deletion of contacts after they've failed to engage with your communications for a specified length of time.

Before you start

Things you need to know:

Remove contacts from lists

  1. In the program builder, drag the Remove contact node from the side panel and drop it onto the canvas in the required position.

  2. Select the Remove contact node to open the configuration panel.

  3. Select Removed from the selected lists.

  4. Use SELECT LIST to choose a list.

    Hold CTRL to select multiple lists. If you need to add additional lists, you can select SELECT MORE after adding the first list. Lists can also be removed by selecting the X icon.

  5. Select APPLY.

Remove contacts from your account

To configure the remove contact node to remove contacts from your account:

  1. Drag the Remove contact node from the side panel and drop it onto the canvas.

  2. Select the Remove contact node to open the configuration panel.

  3. Select Deleted from your account.


  5. Read the settings and select the check boxes to confirm you understand that:

    • Deleted contacts are removed from all lists and segments they're currently in.

    • Undeleting contacts does not put them back in the lists they were in.

    • Deleted contacts are not unsubscribed, and if they are re-added to your account they may receive campaigns. (If contacts do not want to receive campaigns, you should suppress them instead.)

      Deleted contacts are moved to the recycle bin for 30 days. After 30 days, their data is permanently removed.

  6. Select APPLY.

  7. To save the configuration settings, select APPLY.

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