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Email automation
Triggered campaigns overviewGenerate leads and increase conversions with triggered campaigns for birthdays, preferences, seasons, and more.
Create a triggered email campaignAutomatically send tailored messages to new contacts, responders, and within automated programs.
Convert a standard campaign into a triggered campaignRepurpose your standard campaigns by converting them into triggered campaigns, saving time and resources.
Convert a triggered email into a standard email campaignRepurpose your triggered campaigns into standard ones, enabling you to easily repurpose content and broaden your campaign reach.
Send contacts a campaign or enrol them on a program when they join a listAutomate welcome emails and program enrolments for new subscribers by setting up campaign join and program join actions.
Send a triggered campaign when a contact unsubscribes from a listSet up a triggered campaign for unsubscribers that sends a personalised message to say thanks, seek feedback, or close on a positive note.
Send an automatic response to all email campaign repliesUse automatic responses for replies to email campaigns, ensuring timely and consistent responses.
Trigger an automatic response when a contact replies to a specific campaignUse auto responder campaigns for when a contact replies to a specific email campaigns.
Using programs to add contacts to lists and other programsAdd contacts to lists and programs using the Add Contact node.
Use programs to remove contacts from lists and to delete contacts from your accountRemove contacts from your lists or delete them from your account in a program.