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Program analytics

Use program analytics to see how specific program nodes are performing.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 6 months ago

Program analytics lets you quickly view your automation data using a visual representation of your program. You can look at an entire program from start to finish and analyse the data associated with each program node.

View program analytics

  1. Go to Analytics > Reports, expand the MORE REPORTS drop-down menu and select Program.

  2. Select the Program you want to view analytics for.

  3. Select the Program analytics tab.

The page shows your programs on a canvas with all connected nodes and the data.

Set the date range

Use the dashboard controls to control the data you see. To set your date range, select the date range control in the top-right and select the time frame of the data.

Partial data

Up to a year of program data is stored in your account. Setting a custom date range beyond a year returns partial program analytics data.

Find your way around the program canvas

To navigate the canvas, select and drag, or use the positioning controls in the top right corner of the canvas to move up, down, left, and right. Selecting Home takes you back to the program start point.


Zoom in and out

You can zoom in and out of the program canvas by selecting +/-. This lets you to quickly see the bigger picture of your program report, and also to zoom in on the parts you want to pay extra attention to. To return to the default zoom view, just select the Home button.


Program data

Program analytics consist of different sets of data:

  1. Start nodes

    Start nodes show you the sum of all enrolled contacts and the enrollment sources used:

    • Abandoned cart

    • First order

    • External

    • New customer

    • New order

    • Pages and forms

    • Program

    • Resubscribed

    • Resubscribed (external)

    • Resubscribed (Shopify)

    • Scheduled

    • Shopify

    • Signup forms

    • Subscribed

    • Subscribed (chat)

    • Subscribed (e-commerce)

    • Subscribed (external)

  2. Campaign nodes

    Campaign nodes show you data for specific campaigns used in your program:

    • Emails sent:
      The sum of emails sent and the percentage of successful deliveries.

    • Opens
      The sum of all campaign opens.

    • Clicks
      The sum of all unique clicks for the campaign.

    • Revenue
      The total revenue generated within the chosen date range.

    Learn how revenue attribution works in Revenue attribution.

  3. Decision nodes

    The sum of contacts which chose a decision path and the percentage they represent compared to the sum of participants that chose other decision paths from the source node.

  4. Action nodes

    The sum of contacts that interacted with the node and the action taken.


Exit conditions

Exit conditions are shown in the bottom right of the canvas and can be expanded to show all of the ways contacts have exited your program, including exit nodes.

Export program report

You can export your program report as a downloadable CSV file, select Actions > Export all to export your program report, and download the CSV file.

Edit program

To edit your program, select Edit program on the top-right side of the page to open the program editor.


Backup your data

Editing your program affects any associated data. We recommend you export your program analytics and export the program report for your records before editing a program.

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