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Personalising your emails and pages
Personalising your emails and pages

Our personalisation tools allow you to fine tune the content of your campaigns and pages to create highly relevant, customised content.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a year ago

Contact data field personalisation

This can be used to insert values such as a contact's name, or their account manager, or their current point balance in the:

  • subject line of an email

  • from name of an email

  • HTML contents of an email

  • plain text contents of an email

  • contents of a survey, page, or form

Dynamic content

Dynamic content can only be used with emails. It isn't compatible with Surveys, pages, and forms.

Dynamic content can be used to show different bits of content depending on a contact's data fields. This could be used to show different content for customers with different local stores; or to show different services to customers on different service packages; or to show different suggested merchandise based on a contact's age and gender.

Dynamic rules can be applied to the:

  • subject line of an email

  • from name of an email

  • HTML contents of an email

Read more about dynamic content.

External dynamic content

External dynamic content can only be used with emails. It isn't compatible with Surveys, pages, and forms..

If external dynamic content is enabled on your account, it enables you to provide campaign content through a URL endpoint.

You can pass data to your URL by attaching an email address or contact data fields to the query string, allowing you to use your own web server to provide personalisation for each contact.

External dynamic content can be used in the:

  • HTML content of an email

  • plain text content of an email

Read more about external dynamic content.

Scripted content (Liquid)

If enabled on your account, you can use the Liquid scripting language to personalise your content. With this feature you can display content, and make logical decisions on it, based on:

  • contact data fields

  • list membership

  • behavioural information

  • Insight data stored against a contact (such as purchase history, or web browsing behaviour)

  • Insight data stored against an account (such as catalogue data, or store information)

Using Liquid, you can:

  • output the contents of stored data values

  • make logical decisions about what content to display

  • perform functions on the stored data values

  • loop through content such as Insight data or list membership

Scripted content can be applied to the:

  • HTML contents of an email

  • contents of a landing page

Read more about Liquid personalisation.

Personalised send decisions and timings

The above sections cover how you can personalise the content of your landing pages and emails based on contact data - but that's not the only way you can personalise the marketing that your contacts engage with.

Send time optimisation, segmentation, and targeting through automation can all lead to a personalised, more relevant experience.

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